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Questions tagged [siphash]

A fast 64-bit PRF that can be used as a MAC

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How many extra bits of security can I get from an intermediate finalisation of SipHash-2-4?

I'm currently using SipHash-2-4 to hash 4096-byte blocks into 64-bit hashes. The key is secret, as that is required by SipHash. I have 128 bits of space available for hashes, but I don't want to use ...
fadedbee's user avatar
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Short-input (<= 128 bit), short-output (<= 10 bit) MAC

I am faced with a problem of selecting an appropriate message authentication code (MAC) for a particular application. These are the constraints: I have two 64-bit integers $r_a$ and $r_s$ as input, ...
asnfkjsdx's user avatar
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Using cryptography to protect database integrity

I'm designing a micro-services system where each service manages some set of entities (User, Account, e.g). I want to be able to verify the authenticity of entity identifiers (e.g User-Id and Account-...
somdoron's user avatar
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Parallel MAC vs doubled rounds for SipHash, KMAC and others

SipHash 4-8 is documented by the authors as being about half the speed of SipHash 2-4 and is obviously the more conservative option. I was wondering from a security perspective how this would compare ...
MotiNK's user avatar
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SipHash's (non-)collision resistance

I'm very new to cryptography, and I need help understanding the security claims made in Aumasson and Bernstein's paper on the SipHash. In particular, I'm trying to understand the following statement ...
Luis Casillas's user avatar
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Why is Siphash-128 considered "experimental"?

Why is Siphash-128 still considered "experimental"? What does this mean?
Demi's user avatar
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Same 64-bit preimage resistance security for SipHash and SHA-512/64?

If I have to chose a 64 bit preimage resistant hash function; will there be any difference in security between SipHash and SHA-512/64 (SHA-512 truncated to 64 bits)? How long will it take an ...
Chris's user avatar
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Cryptanalysis of Marvin32 compared to SipHash

So I am curious about the security analysis of Marvin32, the randomized hash algorithm used in .NET (to prevent hash-table DoS). I found the source code here: ...
Paya's user avatar
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Does SipHash have 64 bit (second) preimage security?

I was not able to find an explicit statement about the first and second preimage security of SipHash-2-4 or SipHash-4-8 anywhere. I think it should be 64 bits, but I'd feel safer if somebody who has ...
Chris's user avatar
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Is SipHash cryptographically secure?

I'm evaluating different hash algorithms for use in my application. One of the kind of algorithms I am looking at are cryptographically secure ones to protect against DOS attacks. SipHash seems ...
GBleaney's user avatar
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Generate a unique 64 bit numeric database key without collisions at $2^{32}$ birthday threshold?

What is the best way to generate a unique 64 bit numeric database key from a string? For example: if the string is a URL, you could generate a 64 bit key using SipHash or by truncating a SHA256 hash ...
espeed's user avatar
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A fast non-cryptographic hash function that is "strong enough"?

I'm designing a simple one-time-password mechanism for authentication against a possibly-insecure server - i.e. I don't want to use symmetric shared secrets. The first idea that came into mind was ...
Ozo's user avatar
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