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Questions tagged [snarks]

SNARKS (short non-interactive arguments of knowledge) are space efficient zero-knowledge proof that do not require input from a verifier.

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3 answers

Why it is said that “zk-SNARKs need a trusted setup” to work?

What is the meaning of a "trusted setup" in this context? It is often said all around that zk-STARKs and Bulletproofs does not require a trusted setup. How do zk-STARKs and Bulletproofs ...
Diving's user avatar
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What is the difference between those two KZG Polynomial Commitment Schemes?

In short what are the differences (pros & cons) between multiplying by powers of Tau (from this lecture and raising to powers of Tau (from this lecture
ShAr's user avatar
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Why Zk-SNARKs are Argument of Knowledge if a Knowledge Extractor exists?

From what I know, proving the existance of a Knowledge Extractor implies perfect soundness. So why in zk-SNARKs (and similar) we talk about Arguments of Knowledge, where the soundness property is only ...
Andrea Farneti's user avatar
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Recursive snarks with a genus-2 no-cycle hyperelliptic curve?

Any hyperelliptic curve having base field characteristic dividing group order? A subgroup of order equal to the basefield characteristic, a large prime? Having hard DLP in that subgroup? Having ...
Vadym Fedyukovych's user avatar
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How exactly bilinear pairing multiplication in the exponent of g is used in zk-SNARK polynomial verification step?

I am reading this explanation of zkSnark written by Maksym Petkus - In page 24, the zk-SNARK of polynomial is explained. In setup phase, the proving and ...
INDUKURI MANI VARMA 21911012's user avatar
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PLONK Prod Check Proof - why does it have to be proven upto the last element of the set? It should be enough to prove it upto last but one element

I am going through Dan Boneh's video on PLONK - At around 19 minutes, he gets to the Prod Check Gadget. Background: $\omega \in \mathbb F_p$ is ...
user93353's user avatar
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Prod Check Gadget in PLONK - any polynomial which satisfies the prod check seems to be the trivial polynomial

In Dan Boneh's PLONK Video - he refers to the Prod Check Gadget $\omega \in F_p$ is a primitive $k$-th root of unity ($\omega^{k-1} = 1$) $H = \{1, \omega, \...
user93353's user avatar
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PLONK: Reducing the number of Field Elements Trick

From the PLONK paper. Page 18 We describe an optimization by Mary Maller to reduce the number of $F$-elements in the proof from $M$. We begin with an illustrating example. Suppose $V$ wishes to check ...
user93353's user avatar
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Sumcheck Protocol: How to represent a matrix as an MLE which takes row & column numbers as parameters?

This is from Justin Thaler's book - Proofs, Arguments & Zero Knowledge Page 43 For it to make sense to talk about multilinear extensions, we need to view the adjacency matrix $A$ not as a matrix, ...
user93353's user avatar
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can secrets be deciphered from the proofs generated with ZK-Snarks if a quantum attack were plausible?

can secrets be deciphered from the proofs generated with ZK-Snarks if a quantum attack were plausible? I understand the concern that ZK-snarks and some of their cryptography may be broken by quantum ...
dreamer's user avatar