Questions tagged [white-box]

In cryptography, white box analysis means extracting a secret value from an implementation of a function that uses the value.

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31 votes
2 answers

What is a white-box implementation of a cryptographic algorithm?

What is a white-box implementation? Does a white-box implementation have specific properties?
ir01's user avatar
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46 votes
3 answers

What are the differences Between “White-Box Cryptography” and “Code Obfuscation”?

I have been reading the question "What is a white-box implementation of a cryptographic algorithm?" and it led to this short article / Q&A which states in question 2: Q2: What is the ...
MByD's user avatar
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20 votes
5 answers

Are there cryptographic hash functions that can be computed using only paper and pen without leaking any information about the plaintext?

I am looking for a cryptographic hash function that can be computed by a human using only paper and pen without ever leaking any information about the plaintext on the paper. The cryptographic hash ...
Vincent Yu's user avatar
14 votes
4 answers

Why to try get key out of white box crypto? How can one protect WBC itself?

Help me understand the following. With WBC the question is mainly being stated as can one try to break WBC to identify the key. My question is: Why would one ever want to do that anyways? If one can ...
WBC's user avatar
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9 votes
5 answers

Ways to make white-box cryptography AES implementation more difficult to be broken

Background: I want to use white-box cryptography to hide the keys stored in a client application. I am looking for existing implementations of white-box cryptography, such as AES 128 or 256. But I ...
TJCLK's user avatar
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6 votes
0 answers

Any white-box cryptography for asymmetric-key? What is the latest status of white-box cryptography? [closed]

I am learning white-box cryptography. So far, I find the following historical research or implementations, for examples: Published white-box AES algorithms E.g., Chow's WB AES and WB DES (2002), WB ...
TJCLK's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

How to protect key in software

I need to encrypt/decrypt data from my software by AES, the problem is how to make the AES key secure, there is no HSM, should I hard code the key in my code? It seems that a hacker can read the key ...
Gerry's user avatar
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6 votes
4 answers

Authenticating data generated by a particular build of an open source program

[I was torn between posting here or In the end, I felt that this was more of a design question, rather than an implementation question and so chose this forum.] My ...
Ants's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

What do we need white box crypto for?

I am familiar with white box cryptography, but somehow I still fail to see its potential applications? Which situations would necessitate using it? Maybe you can even give me an example or two? I ...
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