You've asked for a way to hash a file into a short string $h$ so that given a partial download $c'_0 \mathbin\| c'_1 \mathbin\| c'_2 \mathbin\| \cdots \mathbin\| c'_{i-1}$ of the file that _should_ start with $c_0 \mathbin\| c_1 \mathbin\| c_2 \mathbin\| \cdots \mathbin\| c_{i-1}$ but may have been modified in transit, you can compute some verification function $f(h, c'_0 \mathbin\| c'_1 \mathbin\| c'_2 \mathbin\| \cdots \mathbin\| c'_{i-1})$ to tell you whether this partial download is good or not.

You haven't specified what security properties you want, but let's say it's random oracle indifferentiability of the hash function given an underlying short-input hash function $H$ like SHAKE128-256, which serves for preimage resistance, second-preimage resistance (and therefore forgery detection), and collision resistance.  (This also works if you randomize $H$ and use $H_r$ instead, like KMAC128, which obviates any need for collision resistance even in signature applications.)

Here is a slight variation:

 - The client will download, alongside each chunk $c_i$, a small set of additional hashes $a_i$ that can be used together with $h$ to verify that $c_i$ is correct.
    - The adversary _may tamper with_ the chunk $c_i$ _and_ the additional hashes $a_i$, replacing them by $c'_i$ and $a'_i$; we assume only that the client is given a hash of the complete download, $h$, that is known to be good.
 - We will define a verification function $F(h, c'_i, a'_i)$ which returns 1 if $c'_i = c_i$ and $a'_i = a_i$, that is if the data were unmodified in transit, and 0 with high probability under any forgery attempt.  ($F$ is defined on chunks, not on prefixes of the file, so it doesn't actually matter which order you download them in.)

In this slight variation, the original verification function $f(h, c'_0 \mathbin\| c'_1 \mathbin\| \cdots \mathbin\| c'_{i-1})$ will be replaced by

  f\bigl(h, (c'_0, a'_0) \mathbin\| (c'_1, a'_1) \mathbin\| \cdots \mathbin\| (c'_{i-1}, a'_{i-1})\bigr) \\
    = F(h, c'_0, a'_0) \mathbin\& F(h, c'_1, a'_1) \mathbin\& \cdots \mathbin\& F(h, c'_{i-1}, a'_{i-1}).

The additional hashes are not an onerous burden:  The number of additional hashes for each chunk is logarithmic in the length of the file, and most likely, the client will be downloading, _e.g._, an HTTP header alongside the chunk $c'_i$ anyway, not to mention TCP and IP headers and ethernet frames and any other encapsulation, like tunnels and VPNs, that may happen on the network anyway.


How does this work?

**Hash computation.**  Before anyone can download the file:

1. On the server, split the full file up into chunks $c_0, c_1, c_2, \dots, c_{2^\ell - 1}$.
2. On the server, compute the hashes
     h_{0,0} &:= H(0, 0, c_0), \\
     h_{0,1} &:= H(0, 1, c_1), \\
     h_{0,2} &:= H(0, 2, c_2), \\
     \vdots \\
     h_{0,2^\ell - 1} &:= H(0, 2^\ell - 1, c_{2^\ell - 1}).
   These are the _leaves_ of a Merkle tree.
3. On the server, compute the hashes
     h_{1,0} &:= H(1, 0, h_{0,0}, h_{0,1}), \\
     h_{1,1} &:= H(1, 1, h_{0,2}, h_{0,3}), \\
     h_{1,2} &:= H(1, 2, h_{0,4}, h_{0,5}), \\
     \vdots \\
     h_{1, 2^{\ell-1} - 1} &:= H(1, 2^{\ell-1} - 1, h_{0, 2^\ell - 2}, h_{0, 2^\ell - 1}).
   These are the first level of the Merkle tree above the leaves.
4. On the server, compute the hashes
     h_{2,0} &:= H(2, 0, h_{1,0}, h_{1,1}), \\
     h_{2,1} &:= H(2, 1, h_{1,2}, h_{1,3}), \\
     h_{2,2} &:= H(2, 2, h_{1,4}, h_{1,5}), \\
     \vdots \\
     h_{2,2^{\ell-2} - 1} &:= H(2, 2^{\ell-2} - 1, h_{1,2^{\ell-1} - 2}, h_{2,2^{\ell-1} - 1}).
5. Repeat, combining two hashes at a time.
6. At the end of this process, the server will have a hash $h := h_{\ell,0}$.  This is the _root_ of a Merkle tree, which is also a hash of the original data $c_0 \mathbin\| c_1 \mathbin\| c_2 \mathbin\| \cdots \mathbin\| c_{2^\ell - 1}$.  **Share the root hash $h = h_{\ell,0}$ of the Merkle tree first.**  For example, you might transmit it on another channel (like how a .torrent file is shared separately from the pieces), or the server might digitally sign it with a long-term key pair whose public key the client knows _a priori_.

**Download process.**  When the client wants to download the $i^{\mathit{th}}$ chunk $c_i$, after getting the known-good hash $h$ of the file:

7. **The _server_ sends a set $a_i$ of additional hashes alongside $c_i$,** $$a_i := (h_{0,i \oplus 1}, h_{1,\lfloor i/2\rfloor \oplus 1}, h_{2,\lfloor i/2^2\rfloor \oplus 1}, \ldots, h_{\ell - 1, \lfloor i/2^{\ell - 1}\rfloor \oplus 1}).$$  These are the sibling hashes of a _path_ down the Merkle tree—for the subtrees that _do not_ have $c_i$ in them.  Here $\oplus$ means xor; that is, we are toggling between the even- and odd-numbered hash indices.
8. **The _client_ receives a putative chunk $c'_i$ and the putative hashes $a'_i := (h'_{0,i \oplus 1}, \ldots)$, which _may_ be the corresponding chunk $c_i$ and hash values $h_{0,i\oplus 1},\ldots$ or _may have been modified in transit by an adversary_.**  The client can now compute
     h'_{0,i} &:= H(0, i, c'_i), \\
     h'_{1,\lfloor i/2\rfloor} &:= H(1, \lfloor i/2\rfloor, h'_{0,2\lfloor i/2\rfloor}, h'_{0,2\lfloor i/2\rfloor + 1}), \\
     h'_{2,\lfloor i/2^2\rfloor} &:= H(2, \lfloor i/2^2\rfloor, h'_{1,2\lfloor i/2^2\rfloor}, h'_{1,2\lfloor i/2^2\rfloor + 1}), \\
     \vdots \\
     h'_{\ell,0} &:= H(\ell, 0, h'_{\ell - 1, 0}, h'_{\ell - 1, 1}).
   **To ensure the data were not modified in transit, the client then _checks_ $h'_{\ell,0} \stackrel?= h_{\ell,0}$ and drops the data on the floor if it fails.**  In other words, we have the chunk verification function $$F(h, c'_i, a'_i) := \begin{cases} 1, & \text{if $h'_{\ell,0} = h$;} \\ 0, & \text{otherwise,} \end{cases}$$ with $h'_{\ell,0}$ computed from $c'_i$ and $a'_i = (h'_{0,i \oplus 1}, \ldots)$ as above.  Note that the computation of $F$, the verification function, involves _only_ the root hash $h$, the chunk $c'_i$ itself, and the $\ell$ hashes included in $a'_i$; verifying a chunk does not require knowing anything else about any other chunk in the file.

The overhead you must transmit alongside each chunk is $\ell$ hashes, so the total number of bits transmitted is at most $2^\ell (|c| + |H| \ell)$, where $|c|$ is the maximum size of a chunk (say, a megabyte) and $|H|$ is the size of a hash (typically 256).  Handling all the fenceposts in non-power-of-two lengths, or extending to radix $r > 2$ with a total cost of $2^\ell \bigl(|c| + \frac{r - 1}{\log_2 r} |H| \ell\bigr)$ bits, is left as an exercise for the reader.

For example, in an eight-chunk file, when you transmit chunk $c_6$, send it alongside $h_{0,7}$, $h_{1,2}$, and $h_{2,0}$; the client, given the possibly modified $(c'_6, h'_{0,7}, h'_{1,2}, h'_{2,0})$, computes $h'_{0,6} = H(0, 6, c'_6)$, $h'_{1,3} = H(1, 3, h'_{0,6}, h'_{0,7})$, $h'_{2,1} = H(2, 1, h'_{1,2}, h'_{1,3})$, and $h'_{3,0} = H(3, 0, h'_{2,0}, h'_{2,1})$, and then verifies $h'_{3,0} \stackrel?= h_{3,0}$ before accepting the chunk $c'_6$ as genuine.  The information needed to download and verify $c_6$ is illustrated in the diagram below:

- The _red solid boxes_ are data transmitted.  Note that there is no need to download any other chunk to verify $c_6$—only three hashes are needed.
- The _blue dashed boxes_ are recomputed by the receiver.
- The _red solid circle_ is the root of the Merkle tree, _i.e._ the hash $h$ of the whole file, which is sent first on some channel assumed not to be corrupted, and which the receiver uses to verify each chunk.

[![Merkle tree with fanout 2, height 3, and total length 8][1]][1]
