I need to verify that the point in this public key\ 04 11 95 23 03 f0 f1 f1 45 67 14 98 e4 39 80 ce 25 39 02 6e 72 34 fe 02 38 8a ea cc fb 3a 3d 4d dc d9 6d 3c fe 8b 55 bf ea c3 3a a1 59 13 54 b3 91 79 45 b7 3b 49 d9 0e 96 2a de 79 d3 49 dc 79 ca is in secp256r1. I already know the parameters $a$ and $b$ of the curve, but they are pretty big and they are in hexadecimal. I've been trying to pass it to decimal, but I'm not getting it. Should I compute it in hexadecimal? I do also don't understand what are the coordinates of the public key. I mean, public key is supposed to be a point with x-coordinate and the least important part of the y-coordinate, as public key begins by 04, isn't it? I'm really sorry, but I'm confused about how to approach this. Thanks. Note: I saw some questions that were basically the same as mine, but the numbers were much smaller. I do also have PARI/GP to use. Thanks