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What is the advantage of digital signatures over message authentication codes?

studying for CISSP these choices seemed limited

What is the advantage of digital signatures over message authentication codes?

  1. Digital Signature provides integrity verification while message authentication code can not
  2. Digital Signature provides confidentiality while message authentication code can not
  3. Digital Signatures provide authenticity while message authentication code cannot
  4. Digital Signatures works faster then message authtication codes

using the chart below as a reference

Cryptographic primitive | Hash |    MAC    | Digital
Security Goal           |      |           | signature
Integrity               |  Yes |    Yes    |   Yes
Authentication          |  No  |    Yes    |   Yes
Non-repudiation         |  No  |    No     |   Yes
Kind of keys            | none | symmetric | asymmetric
                        |      |    keys   |    keys

I'm leaning towards #2 but none of the choices really fit properly. Hopefully an expert here can clarify. Thank you.

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