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Difference between a Polynpmial Opening & a Polynomial Commitment

Going through the literature led me to think I understood the difference between these two things, but thinking about I am not actually certain. Could you help me correct my definitions of these two things (or provide some more detail that aids understanding)?

Polynomial Commitment: This is an object created by evaluating the polynomial at a specific point. We are in a sense committed to the polynomial because the object was created using the structure of the polynomial.

Polynomial Opening: Revealing what a polynomial is, we open up the polynomial to be seen. We can for example use this to check a commitment.

For some context, taking the KZG polynomial commitment scheme, a polynomial commitment to $f(X)$ is $C = g^{f(\alpha)}$, where $\alpha$ is random and $g$ is the generator of some group. A polynomial opening is then just a presentation of $f(X)$?