Re-using their design might be no good idea - there are cheaper designs for sure. This new DES cracker would just need to try every possible key - like the one of the EFF already did. DES was a big standard for encryption, so some people did build such machines, right? Of course did they: [COPACOBANA][1] is able to break DES in under 9 days and costs under 10,000 US $ - That was 2006. You could even run a few of them parallel and crack algorithms like DES even faster - or you just use [RIVYERA][2] and crack DES in 1 day. You can use more than one machine of them, too. More informations about the DES cracker and the mechanic behind it can be found in [this document][3]. I'm pretty sure there are even better methods as of 2015. [1]: [2]: [3]: