There is a library called [Monocypher][1]\* that heavily utilizes derivatives of ChaCha and Salsa. (Plus Poly1305, X25519, and Ed25519.) The algorithms it uses, XChaCha20, Blake2b, and Argon2 all use different permutations but those permutations are all extremely similar. I don't know if any Salsa variant's permutation can be used as is. It certainly would be risky to decrease the round count by much. I'm not aware of published analysis of any variant used as a stand-alone permutation. If ChaCha's permutation function (with 20 rounds) is a secure pseudorandom permutation, then we know the algorithm ChaCha20 is secure. But if we know ChaCha20 is secure, that doesn't mean we know the permutation is secure. One reason why ChaCha20 is so robust (and therefore why it can get away with few enough operations to make it fast) is because of the algorithm as a whole, not just the permutation. The only thing you can qualify as attacker controlled inputs in ChaCha20 is the IV. Message bits (plain- or ciphertext) have zero influence in ChaCha20's permutation function. This is a smaller attack surface than what's possible with block ciphers, hash functions, and public pseudo-random permutations. All of which have security properties that ChaCha20 doesn't need to have. The permutation it uses wasn't designed to be one-size-fits all, so we don't have much evidence yet to say it's safe for general-purpose permutation use. One property of the ChaCha permutation is that it does not use round constants. It's also an ARX (add rotate xor) construct. It has a trivial fixed point $P(0) = 0$. Which results from * Addition: $0 + 0 = 0$ * XOR: $0 \oplus 0 = 0$ * Rotation: $0 \text{ rotate-by } k = 0, \forall \space k$ The presence of a fixed point in a pseudorandom permutation function is to be expected. Finding one a permutation on a large block size is a harder problem if it requires brute force. This known fixed point might be a problem for some (but not all) applications. For Salsa, Chacha, Blake 1 and 2, their respective permutations are used with a portion of their input bits fixed to a non-zero constant so it isn't a problem there. In the Gimli paper I found (ctrl-f) a reference to round constants, so I'm pretty sure it doesn't have a zero fixed point. The number of rounds you use of a ChaCha-like permutation function obviously has an effect on security. It seems like even the algorithms that use less than 20 rounds probably are still safe. But that likely has a lot to do with how the permutations are used in addition to the robustness of the permutation itself. I can't tell you if 20 rounds are safe enough for all or most general purpose permutation uses, if you can safely decrease them, if you need to increase them, or if increase the number of rounds will help. The safe answer to your question is no. And although it doesn't seem like it, this is a sort of "Should I implement my own crypto?" question. I've considered the same idea. Breaking two secure constructs into pieces and recombining pieces Frankenstein's monster style doesn't make the end result secure. <sub>\* I'm aware of the project but haven't looked into it. It's probably safest to use NACL, but I can't and shouldn't endorse any option.</sub> [1]: