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kodlu's user avatar
  • Member for 10 years, 2 months
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  • Earth, Sol-3, Orion Arm, Milky Way Galaxy, Local Group, Virgo Supercluster, Laniakea
2 votes

How to find the round key in AES 256

0 votes

A query regarding SHA256 output hash structure vs input entropy?

9 votes

Are one time pads still used, perhaps for military or diplomatic purposes?

-1 votes

Theoretical Approaches to crack large files encrypted with AES

2 votes

Are there any LFSR-based ciphers with variable feedback polynomials?

8 votes

Would sending audio fragments over a phone call be considered a form of cryptology?

2 votes

How many $S$-Boxes of length $3$ are there over $\mathbb{F}_{2}$?

2 votes

Question about confidence interval in NIST SP 800 22

2 votes

How to determine cryptographic properties of AES S-Box?

0 votes

Where can I find 2 of the steps/proofs described in Dan Boneh's video on PLONK in the PLONK Paper? The 2 don't seem to match

1 vote

decrypting full ciphertext of (AES CTR/GCM) based on partial knowledge of the cleartext

0 votes

Why does Shamir secret sharing appear to need ordered shares?

2 votes

Maximum entropy of a hash function?

1 vote

Can some cryptographic conclusions in the prime field be applied to the Galois field?

1 vote

Lagrange interpolation in the exponent

4 votes

What is the result of not connecting the 1st register to the xor gate in LFSR?

3 votes

How changing a single byte/word in a substitution box affects the inverse result?

1 vote

How to calculate Correlation, Difference propagation probability and Algebraic complexity a particular S-box?

0 votes

Given the existence of provably-hard-to-solve problems, why do we routinely rely on conjectured-to-be-hard problems for encryption?

-1 votes

Defining the random variables $K,M,C$ and Perfect Secrecy

1 vote

What is the relation between LWE and coding based cryptography?

6 votes

Is there a simple formula to calculate how many inputs generate same outputs in cryptographic hash functions, being the input larger than the input?

2 votes

DES initial key generation

12 votes

Prove that what's running inside a black box is code that has been released publicly

3 votes

PLONK Product Check Proof. Why is the 2nd condition required?

2 votes

Rule 30 based block cipher

2 votes

What are the RCons for mini-AES if you want to encrypt more than 2 rounds?

0 votes

How does the plausible deniability used by TrueCrypt work mathematically?

2 votes

Stuck on a cryptanalytical research project

3 votes

Walsh-Hadamard transform in randomness testing

1 2
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