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Paul Uszak's user avatar
Paul Uszak
  • Member for 9 years, 6 months
  • Last seen this week
60 votes

How can hashes be unique if they are limited in number?

37 votes

Why doesn't steganography increase the size of an uncompressed image?

33 votes

Differences between industrial and military cryptography

21 votes

Using Tweets as a Random seed

14 votes

Radioactive Decay, Gaussian or Uniform?

14 votes

Why do some people believe that humans are "bad at" generating random numbers/characters like this?

13 votes

Can I say "I have encrypted something" if I hash something?

12 votes

S-box basic question

12 votes

Examples of frauds discovered because someone tried to mimic a random sequence

10 votes

Can you use memory errors as a source of randomness for cryptography?

10 votes

Is there a standard, or widely accepted convention, for magic constants in crypto software?

10 votes

Is a PRG more costly than AES or any other encryption standard?

9 votes

Steganography - How many bytes of information can you hide in a $1024 \times 768$ photo?

9 votes

Timing-Safety in JVM-Languages

9 votes

Does Terra Quantum AG break AES and Hash Algorithms?

8 votes

If cryptographic hashes are completely unique, could they theoretically be used to transfer data?

8 votes

Rubik's Cube as Encryption

8 votes

Cryptography's random number problem?

7 votes

What's the reason for Monte Carlo tests for block ciphers?

7 votes

Is RC4 secure with a single-use 32-byte random key prefix and 3072 prefix bytes discarded?

7 votes

How were one-time pads and keys historically generated?

7 votes

Which test suit is better to say if PRNG is CSPRNG:TestU01 or NIST?

7 votes

Are the null bytes produced by a True Random Number Generator a security issue when using it as a source of entropy for keys in One-time pad?

6 votes

Key generation from partially random data

6 votes

Would sending audio fragments over a phone call be considered a form of cryptology?

6 votes

Random number generator issue

6 votes

Time Based encryption

6 votes

How many bits in the resultant hash will change, if the x bits are changed in its the original input?

6 votes

Why can't we give block ciphers larger keys?

6 votes

How likely is a AES KDF bypass?

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