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Mark Schultz-Wu's user avatar
Mark Schultz-Wu's user avatar
Mark Schultz-Wu
  • Member for 7 years, 5 months
  • Last seen this week
1 vote

How to extend operations from numbers to larger "objects" in cryptographic implementations?

1 vote

Are zk-STARKs really quantum resistant?

1 vote

Choosing rings for PLWE

1 vote

Error-correcting Code VS Lattice-based Crypto

1 vote

Hard instances of matrix factorization

1 vote

Algebraic Variants of NTRU

1 vote

Where to find a comprehensive content on security proof systems in cryptography

1 vote

Constant Time algorithms for $\mathbb{Z}/m\mathbb{Z}$, $\mathbb{Z}/m\mathbb{Z}[x]$, and $\mathbb{Z}/m\mathbb{Z}[x] / (f(x))$?

1 vote

Can Big Data together with deep neural networks attack RSA by affording the vast calculation of prime multiplications in advance?

1 vote

Encryption algorithm multiple threads/cores for higher throughput

1 vote

Homomorphic encryption methods that could support logical XOR, AND?

1 vote

An arithmetic circuit for the indicator function?

1 vote

How to deal with concrete security against lots of queries?

1 vote

How to add ciphered numbers under benaloh's scheme?

1 vote

Can "(input * X) mod Y" with N iterations be computed in less than N operations?

1 vote

Finding product of two unknown numbers each raised to a known power

1 vote

Guessing the Secret in RLWE Search-to-Decision

1 vote

zeroing out slots in SEAL ciphertext

1 vote

Distortion of the spherical gaussian error through the canonical embedding in Ring - LWE

1 vote

PRF and deterministic polytime function implie PRG

1 vote

A question about smoothing lemma and proof

1 vote

How to determine approximate factor (i.e. modulus-to-(bound of)noise ratio) of LWE in advaned primitives is sub-exponential or polynomial?

1 vote

Literature on Batching in FHE

1 vote

Gadget Matrix Ring Setting

1 vote

Smaller module ranks of MLWE imply more algebraic structure?

1 vote

learning with errors

1 vote

Homomorphic Encryption CKKS scheme, Encoding: canonical embeding discretization

1 vote

Orthogonal Lock

1 vote

How does big Galois groups yield better security in NTRU Prime?

1 vote

Hidden Subgroup Problem: Embedding $G$ in a complex hilbert space $H$

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