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rath's user avatar
rath's user avatar
  • Member for 11 years, 6 months
  • Last seen more than 4 years ago
10 votes

Why crypto hash functions must be collision resistant and how to find resistant?

10 votes

AES 256 Encryption - Is it really easy to decrypt if you have the key?

6 votes

Digital identification using steganography, can it be broken?

6 votes

AES: Is it safe to encrypt same cleartext with same key but with million diferent IV?

6 votes

How vulnerable is the C rand() in public cryptography protocols?

5 votes

Toy encryption system that provides "hints"

5 votes

How to decode an OTP message?

5 votes

Export from US of crypto software with key-size > 56 bits still needs permission?

4 votes

Can we use numbers as a pad in the Vernam cipher - why or why not?

3 votes

Generating a number using SHA512 that users can later verify (once I publish secret seed)

3 votes

Key Exchange and anonymity issue

3 votes

How does the rand() function in C work?

3 votes

In which disciplinary category can cryptography be put?

3 votes

Are there Cryptography certifications variants of CISSP?

3 votes

Lamport-Diffie + attempting to invert OWF

3 votes

Snowden Challenge II: Can we solve Snowden challenge quantumly?

3 votes

Pseudorandom functions

3 votes

How to choose keys for a block cipher?

3 votes

Rock-paper-scissors over network, how to protect from cheating server?

2 votes

Do we need symmetric cryptosystems?

2 votes

Allowing the user to choose the hashing formula at the registration

2 votes

Definition and meaning of "semantic security"

2 votes

Is Base64(SHA1(GUID)) still unique like the original GUID?

2 votes

Could a very long password theoretically eliminate the need for a slow hash?

2 votes

Where to store the private key and the public key in a communication protocol

2 votes

About using mistakes as part of a code

1 vote

Is the private key static or variable key in the elgamal algorithm?

1 vote

Is there need for message authentication if a public key is transmitted and then used to encrypt a symmetric key?

1 vote

Pen-and-paper one-way function for externally-anonymous survey

1 vote

Distributing blocks with validation and non-dependant list generation