Henno Brandsma's user avatar
Henno Brandsma's user avatar
Henno Brandsma's user avatar
Henno Brandsma
  • Member for 12 years, 8 months
  • Last seen more than 2 years ago
1 vote

Apply a permutation cipher by hand

1 vote

SHA3 256 bit encryption

0 votes

What type of cipher or encryption method is this called?

3 votes

Implementing AES-CBC (Matasano Crypto Challenge 10)

2 votes

Where is the mistake in my RSA by-hand calculation?

3 votes

Deriving 256-bit key from PBKDF2-SHA1

1 vote

Finding d given everything else in RSA

17 votes

Why is PuTTYgen-created RSA public exponent(e) not in {3,17,65537}?

0 votes

How to create and validate potential grids when attacking a Playfair cipher?

2 votes

How to break Universal Re-Encryption algorithm?

9 votes

What are the main weaknesses of a Playfair cipher, if any?

8 votes

AES Inverse Key Schedule

5 votes

Message exchange with textbook RSA

3 votes

Attack on textbook RSA with small messages

2 votes

Different tools return different ciphertext value for equal input

3 votes

How to verify CA certificate from Yubico with openssl?

3 votes

help understanding part of Wiener's attack on RSA w/ small d

4 votes

Problem reproducing AES results

5 votes

How can I use the whole potential of DES?

2 votes

Breaking a Modified Caesar Cipher

1 vote

Factorizing N to derive D

3 votes

Diffie-Hellman using a different modulus on both sides

6 votes

Why is the XOR of plaintexts equal to the XOR of ciphertexts with a two time pad?

3 votes

How were semagrams encrypted in the pre-digital era?

0 votes

Find plaintext from two ciphers encrypted with a one-time pad and the same key

1 vote

Decrypted RSA 64 bit encryption using modulus and private exponent. Got gobbledygook [Verify]

3 votes

Is it secure to transmit a short plaintext with its MAC?

1 vote

NTRU Encryption

2 votes

Cycles in SHA-256

2 votes

encryption of message "DATACONFANTIALITY" with key playfair using playfair cipher