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Thomas M. DuBuisson's user avatar
Thomas M. DuBuisson
  • Member for 11 years, 9 months
  • Last seen this week
14 votes

What is the advantage of AEAD ciphers?

11 votes

Is it possible to create "non overlapping" RNGs?

6 votes

One Encryption, Many Decryption Keys

6 votes

Why NaCL does not provide anonymous public key cryptography?

6 votes

Fixed point of the SHA-256 compression function

6 votes

Why should one prefer Salsa20 over ChaCha?

5 votes

Seed / reseed DRBG too often?

5 votes

OTP - Reuse key BUT add IV, is it secure enough?

5 votes

Why does CTR mode become insecure after $2^{0.5 \times n}$ blocks?

4 votes

Can I use a key twice if the message is longer than the key in one-time pad?

4 votes

Is there a cryptographic solution for this “dating protocol”?

4 votes

Can I simulate iterated AES-ECB with other block cipher modes?

4 votes

What if OT breaks in Yao's garbled circuit?

4 votes

How Brittle Are LCG-Cracking Techniques?

4 votes

Safety of random nonce with AES-GCM?

3 votes

How can one protect against a Man In The Middle attack during key exchange without using certificates?

3 votes

Brute force, get AES keys by multiple plain-texts with their cipher-texts

3 votes

Why are ephemeral/session/temporary keys useful?

3 votes

Are this recommendations from Colin Percival correct?

3 votes

Using simple hashing function to expand already secure key

3 votes

Shuffleless PRNG function with non-repeating values?

3 votes

Why is there a counter in CSPRNGs?

2 votes

Why does the key for a one-time pad have to be uniformly distributed?

2 votes

Can high-entropy data be reconstructed from plaintext XORs in CTR nonce reuse?

2 votes

Collision or second preimage for the ChaCha core?

2 votes

How difficult is homomorphic encryption?

2 votes

Looking for a secure PRNG that I can implement in hardware

2 votes

HMAC_DRBG Generate Process: requesting N bytes at once different from requesting N bytes in total?

2 votes

Secure Two-party computation

2 votes

Are there any attacks / weak points with HMAC-SHA3?