I'm going to use NTRU as post-quantum public-key encryption algo in my project.
I've googled attacks on NTRU and found a lot of them
but since I'm new to NTRU and don't understand the math used, and could not conclude whether NTRU is still secure, if yes which parameter sets are secure?
For 256bit security, I found EES743EP1 and NIST NTRU-HRSS and NTRU-HPS Wikipedia article says the latter one is secure against MOST attacks and says nothing about others.
myMy current library supports EES1087EP2 ,EES1171EP1,EES1499EP1 ,EES743EP1
are they secure? or I should switch to NTRU-HRSS or I'm better not to use NTRU?
(i don't care about speed and prefer security over performance )
thanksThanks in advance