Here is some information we got :
We know the value of $n$, with size $1043$.
We know the value of $p$ (size $20$) and $q$ (size $1023$) as the factors.
$e = 65537.$
$\varphi(n)$ = $(q-1)(p-1)$
When I calculated $\gcd$ and $\text{modinv}$, I got :
$\gcd(e,\varphi(n)) = 65537$
$modinv(e,\varphi(n)) = 1 $
So we can tell that they are not relatively prime.
So, how to compute the d, and get the value of m?
I'm not that good with math, so I cant understanding well the theory.
so can anyone please make an example implementation or write a clear formula?