According to Wolberg monotonic interpolation techniques exist which can reduce the oscillation seen in the graph mentioned in the the question's postscript.
I'm not going to discuss Wolberg's method, but I will use background information from his paper to compute a formula for the original graph. Depending on how it all goes, I leave it to the reader to follow-up with techniques that remove localized minima.
Difference Equations for the Formula
It is useful to express sampled continuous functions as difference equations when analysing them as discrete functions. The equation $f_x = (N-xy)^2$ can be expressed as a difference equation as shown by the following derivation:
(1) & (N - (x+2U)*y)^2 - (N-xy)^2 & = & -4UNy - 4xUy^2 - 4(Uy)^2\\
(2) & (N - (x+U)*y)^2 - (N-xy)^2 & = & -2UNy - 2xUy^2 - (Uy)^2\\
(1),(2) & f_{i+2}-f_i & = & \hspace{1em} 2 ( f_{i+1} - f_i ) - 2U^2y^2\\
& f_{i+2} - 2 f_{i+1} + f_i + 2U^2y^2 &=& 0 \\
& f_{i+2} - 2 f_{i+1} + f_i + 2N^2\Upsilon^2 &=& 0\hspace{1em} [\textrm{where } \Upsilon=Uy/N,\hspace{1ex} 0<=\Upsilon<=1]
Spline Interpolation
Connecting each point $(i*U,f_i)$ to its neighbor $((i+1)*U,f_{i+1})$ is a polynomial $p_i$ such that:
$$p_i(x) = a_i(x-Ui)^3 + b_i(x-Ui)^2 + c_i(x-Ui) + d_i$$
a_i&=&\frac{1}{U^2}\left(-2\frac{-2UNy - 2i(Uy)^2 - (Uy)^2}{U}+2y(N-iUy)+2y(N-(i+1)Uy)\right)\\
b_i&=&\frac{1}{U}\left(3\frac{-2UNy - 2i(Uy)^2 - (Uy)^2}{U}-4y(N-iUy)-2y(N-(i+1)Uy)\right)\\
a_i&=&\frac{1}{U}\left(-2\frac{-2\Upsilon - (2i+1)y^2}{1}+4\Upsilon-(4i+2)y^2\right)\\
&=& 8\Upsilon/U\\
b_i&=&\frac{1}{1}\left(3\frac{-2\Upsilon - (2i+1)y^2 }{1}-6\Upsilon+(6i+2)y^2\right)\\
&=& -12\Upsilon-y^2\\
p_i(x) &=& 8\Upsilon/U(x-Ui)^3 & -\\
& & (12\Upsilon+y^2)(x-Ui)^2 & -\\
& & 2Ny(1-i\Upsilon)(x-Ui) & +\\
& & N^2(1-i\Upsilon)^2 &\\
&=& (8\Upsilon{}x/U-\Upsilon{}(8i+12)-y^2)(x-Ui)^2 & -\\
& & (1-i\Upsilon)(2Nyx-N^2\Upsilon{}i-N^2) &
Furthermore, let $x=Ui+U/2=U/2(2i+1)$:
p_i &=& (8\Upsilon{}x/U-\Upsilon{}(8i+12)-y^2)(U/2)^2 -\\
& & (1-i\Upsilon)(2Nyx-N^2\Upsilon{}i-N^2) \\
&=& (8\Upsilon{}(2i+1)/2-\Upsilon{}(8i+12)-y^2)(U/2)^2 -\\
& & (1-i\Upsilon)(NUy(2i+1)-N^2\Upsilon{}i-N^2) \\
&=& (\Upsilon{}/2-\Upsilon{}(12)-y^2)(U/2)^2 -\\
& & (1-i\Upsilon)(N^2\Upsilon(2i+1)-N^2\Upsilon{}i-N^2) \\
&=& -\Upsilon{}(2y^2+25)(U^2)/8 -\\
& & N^2(1-i\Upsilon)(\Upsilon(i+1)-1) \\
&=& N^2\left(-\Upsilon{}(2\Upsilon{}^2+25(U/N)^2)/8 + (i\Upsilon-1)(i\Upsilon-1 +\Upsilon) \right)\\
&=& N^2\left(-\Upsilon{}(2\Upsilon{}^2+25(U/N)^2)/8 + (i\Upsilon-1)^2 +(i\Upsilon-1) \right)\\
&=& N^2\left(-2\Upsilon{}^3+ i^2\Upsilon^2-\left(\frac{25(U/N)^2}{8} + i\right)\Upsilon{} \right)
Finally, let's choose U=1.
p_i &=& N^2\left(-2\Upsilon{}^3+ i^2\Upsilon^2-\left(\frac{25}{8N^2} + i\right)\Upsilon{} \right)\\
p_i &=& -2\Upsilon{}^3+ i^2\Upsilon^2-\left(\frac{25}{8N^2} + i\right)\Upsilon{} \\
p_i &=& 2\Upsilon{}^2 - i^2\Upsilon + \left(\frac{25}{8N^2} + i\right) \\
p_i &=& (4N\Upsilon{})^2 - 2i^2(4N\Upsilon) + (25+8iN^2)
Solving for $p_i=z$
Now accept that what we've got is a simple variable substitution of i for x (it may not be, but if not, the closed-form solution of the z-transform of $p_i$ would handle the conversion from a discrete point-cloud to a continuous function).
The sub-goal was to find values of $(x,y(x))$ such that $p(x,y)=z$ for arbitrary values of $z$. Substituting $x$ for $i$, z for $p_i$ and $\frac{N^2-{x^\prime}^4}{N^2x^\prime} + x\frac{{x^\prime}^2}{N^2}$ for $\Upsilon$ yields:
z &=& (4N(\frac{N^2-{x^\prime}^4}{N^2x^\prime} + x\frac{{x^\prime}^2}{N^2}))^2 -\\ & & 2x^2(4N(\frac{N^2-{x^\prime}^4}{N^2x^\prime} + x\frac{{x^\prime}^2}{N^2})) +\\
& & (25+8xN^2)
%4N\Upsilon{} = i^2 \pm \sqrt{i^4- (25+8iN^2)} \\
%4Uy = i^2 \pm \sqrt{i^4- (25+8iN^2)} \\
%4N = i^2 \pm \sqrt{i^4- (25+8iN^2)} \hspace{1em} \text{for } y=V
The quadratic formula can be used to find a real-valued number for $x$ given integer values of $x^\prime$ and $z$.
Finding maxima of $r(x^\prime,z)$
Given $x$, $y(x)$, and $f(x)$, it is now possible to graph $r(x^\prime,z)$. Once I get past the algebra.
r(\mathbf{x^\prime},z)=\sqrt{(x-\mathbf{x^\prime})^2+(y(x)-f(\mathbf{x^\prime}))^2} \,\,\, \text{where} \,\, LC(x,y(x))=z