This is in continuation to Alin's answer, describing accumulators in the context of class groups.
Class groups provide a setting where computing roots is computationally difficult. That is, given $x \in \mathbb{Z}$ and $g^x \in G$, it is computationally infeasible to compute $g$. This is the same setting provided by RSA modulus, but with one key difference: there is no trusted setup.
Accumulator are built in the following way. Let $S$ be the set of items you have, and assume all the items are prime numbers. Pick a random element $g$ in the group $G$. With high probability this element generates a large cyclic subgroup of $G$, but let's leave that aside for now. Define the accumulator of the set $S$ by $w_S = g^{\prod_{s\in S} s}$, and make this group element known to the client. Now, in order to prove to a client that some $x$ is in $S$, simply compute and send $w_{x,S} = g^{\prod_{s\in S\setminus \{x\}} s}$. The client can verify the computation by checking that $(w_{x,S})^x = w_S$.
The cryptographic assumption (i.e. that computing roots is computationally infeasible) imply that the prover could not construct the witness $w_{x, S}$ unless $x \in S$. Note that we also use the assumption that the elements in $S$ are prime here: if a composite number $c = ab$ is in $S$, the prover can create a (false) proof that $a$ and $b$ are in $S$.
This scheme can also be used in order to give a constant size proof of membership of many items: to prove $x_1, ..., x_n \in S$, simply construct the witness $g^{\prod_{s\in S \setminus \{x_1, ..., x_n\}} s}$.
Non-membership can be proved as well. Since the items in $S$ are prime, if $x$ is not in $S$ then $x$ and $y=\prod_{s \in S} s$ are co-prime, meaning there exists $a, b \in \mathbb{Z}$ such that $ax+by =1$. Hence, the prover may send the client these $a, b$, and the client in turn can verify $(g^x)^a \cdot w_S^b = g$. Non-membership proofs can be batched as well, using a similar trick.
A good review on class group cryptography is "Buchmann, J. and Hamdy, S., 2001. A survey on IQ cryptography. In Public-Key Cryptography and Computational Number Theory (pp. 1-15)".