Should we (a) sign-then-encrypt, (b) encrypt-then-sign[, or (c) do something else]?
The answer is: (c), do something else. In specific, it's safest to use authenticated encryption (AE) in encrypt-then-mac mode with associated data (AEAD), as well as to hash the target with associated data (signAD), whether or not the target of the signature is the plaintext (when it's encrypted afterward) or the ciphertext. Both procedures, signAD-then-AEAD and AEAD-then-signAD rely on AEAD, and associated data (AD) generally, to mitigate security issues by committing to contextual values (which can be secret or public) and binding them to jointly achieve authenticated encryption, authentication of associated data, and entity authentication.
Do the same issues with (symmetric-key) MAC-then-encrypt apply to (public-key) sign-then-encrypt?
Yes, both symmetric and asymmetric versions of authenticate-then-encrypt lead to similar security failures. The general problem stems from trusting unverified plaintexts(0). In this mode, since the authentication tag is itself part of the plaintext that it needs to be checking the authenticity and integrity of, it can be toyed with if the ciphertext can be toyed with.
Justification for answer (c):
Even though using AEAD to canonicalize the context of a communication channel (the sender, recipient, time, purpose, transcript summary, etc...) mitigates many of the issues that can arise in hybrid schemes, like surreptitious forwarding of plaintexts & swappable signatures on ciphertexts, it is insufficient. Disambiguating the who's, where's and why's in the authenticated encryption, without also doing so in the hash that's signed, doesn't prevent all forms of these kinds of attacks(1)(2). Let's look at some examples.
Bob: $C_{b_0}=$ sign-then-AEAD$($"do you want to get pizza, Alice?"$) \quad\to$ Alice
Alice: $C_{a_0}=$ sign-then-AEAD$($"sure, Bob! let's go at dawn."$) \quad\to$ Eve $\to$ Bob
Bob: $C_{b_1}=$ sign-then-AEAD$($"Alice, do you want to do that dangerous thing?"$) \quad\to$ Alice
Eve: $C_{e_0}=$ $C_{a_0} \quad\to$ Bob
Bob: $C_{b_2}=$ sign-then-AEAD$($"okay, Alice, I trust you. let's do the dangerous thing at dawn."$) \quad\to$ Alice
Consider an $\mathrm{AEAD}_K$ function that includes associated data $A$ and produces a ciphertext $C$ of three concatenated values: the recipient's public key $R_\mathrm{public}$, a plaintext $P$, and the signature $\sigma$ using a sender's identity key $S$ to sign a hash $h_\sigma$ such that:
$$h_\sigma = H(R_\mathrm{public} \space || \space P)$$
$$\sigma = S.\mathrm{sign}(h_\sigma)$$
$$C = \mathrm{AEAD}_K(\sigma \space || \space R_\mathrm{public} \space || \space P, \space A, \space \cdot \space)$$
The goal of $\mathrm{AEAD}_K$ here is to conceal $\sigma$, $R_\mathrm{public}$ and $P$, while binding knowledge of them to $A$, together to be taken as a message sent by an entity that knows the shared secret $K$ and a signature of $P$ by $S$ to $R$. That last part is crucial. Even when we assume good practice, where $A$ and $h_\sigma$ contain acknowledgement of the sender and receiver's public keys, $\sigma$ is free to be passed around after the fact, by anyone, which proves that the holder of $S$ signed the hash of $P$ to $R$, but that could have been for any purpose at any time in the past. $\sigma$ doesn't know anything about the ciphertext it will be embedded within. So, even though the ciphertext may prove linkage to the whole context of the message, the signature does not.
This is clearly inadequate. For one, it allows for replay attacks, as shown by Eve being able to send Bob a ciphertext $C_{a_0}$ they captured from Alice, and trick Bob into thinking it was a legitimate response from Alice to a new question. Thankfully, $\mathrm{AEAD}_K$ could come to the rescue here. If a unique message number is also included within $A$, then $C_{a_0}$ can't be replayed. So, as long as $\sigma$ remains secret, $A$ prevents this surreptitious forwarding of signatures within ciphertexts. However, what's to stop a group of people from communicating using sign-then-AEAD with a common secret in some multi-party protocol? In that case $\sigma$ won't remain secret, and it can directly be injected into unintended contexts, leaving us once again vulnerable. Not to mention that in this example, the plaintext grows with the number of recipients.
Therefore, it would be wise to include as much information within $A$ as possible (even the nonce, the IV, or SIV), to fully and uniquely define a usage context (this message, right now, to x, from y, for this purpose...). $A$ can be passed into the calculation of $h_\sigma$ (signAD) too, so that both the signature and ciphertext cannot be used in an unintended context. As a side note, leaving associated data implicit if possible may be a good idea. It saves on space and communication costs. So, for instance, consider not concatenating recipients to the plaintext. Stuff them into $A$ instead. If you know you know, and if you don't, then you probably don't need to know the details of the channel / message.
keyed-signAD-then-AEAD $(\ref{eq:keyed-signAD-then-AEAD})$:
This example solution is better. It commits to everything and leaks nothing as long as the cipher leaks nothing. A keyed hash is calculated on the data prior to signing. That makes the signatures ephemeral, as well as bound to all the secret and nonsecret values of the channel / message.
\hline \\
\mathrm{\quad \bf{designation} \quad} & & K & S & R & P & \sigma \\
\mathrm{secret} & & \checkmark & \checkmark & \checkmark & \checkmark & \checkmark & \\
\mathrm{nonsecret} & & & & & & & \\
$$K_E, K_A = \mathrm{KDF}(K, \space \mathrm{canonicalize}(\alpha_0, \space A, \space S_\mathrm{public}, \space R_\mathrm{public}))$$
$$\sigma = S.\mathrm{sign}(H_{K_A}(\mathrm{canonicalize}(P)))$$
$$C = \mathrm{AEAD}_{K_E}(\sigma \space || \space P, \space \cdot \space)$$
Bob: $C_{b_0}=$ AEAD-then-sign$($"you never showed up at the dangerous thing, Alice..."$) \quad\to$ Eve $\to$ Alice
Alice: $C_{a_0}=$ AEAD-then-sign$($"sorry, Bob! someone has been following me, so I stayed home."$) \quad\to$ Eve $\to$ Bob
Bob: $C_{b_1}=$ AEAD-then-sign$($"Alice, that's awful. why are they following you?"$) \quad\to$ Eve $\to$ Alice
Alice: $C_{a_1}=$ AEAD-then-sign$($"idk, Bob! maybe they know we're talking to each other?..."$) \quad\to$ Eve $\to$ Bob
Consider a similar set of values such that:
$$_iC = \mathrm{AEAD}_K(P, \space A, \space \cdot \space)$$
$$h_\sigma = H(R_\mathrm{public} \space || \space _iC)$$
$$\sigma = S.\mathrm{sign}(h_\sigma)$$
$$C = \sigma \space || \space _iC$$
The goal of $\mathrm{AEAD}_K$ here is to conceal $P$, while binding knowledge of it to $\sigma$, $R_\mathrm{public}$ and $A$, together to be taken as a message sent by an entity that knows the shared secret $K$ and the signature of $C$ by $S$ to $R$. In this scenario, $\sigma$ is bound to $C$, which is good in the sense that $C$ encapsulates all of the contextual data of the message. But, it's not so good in that anyone can strip off the signature and replace it with their own. $\mathrm{AEAD}_K$ prevents this by adding $S_\mathrm{public}$ and $R_\mathrm{public}$ to $A$, which means the recipient will get a failure-to-decrypt message ($\bot$) if the wrong signing key is used to make $\sigma$.
But there's another big problem. Alice realizes that he is being followed, and hints that it may be because of his communications with Bob. Maybe this is just paranoia on Alice's part, but AEAD-then-sign can enable this kind of tracking. How? Well, first Eve gets hold of a ciphertext $C$ from listening in on either Alice or Bob. Then Eve tests some known directory of public keys to find a pair which satisfies
$$S'.\mathrm{verify}(\sigma, \space H(R'_\mathrm{public} \space || \space _iC))$$
This is an issue which stuffing more public values into $A$ or $h_\sigma$ would not solve. It would be understandable to consider if such a structure is even valuable when it can be so detrimental to privacy. Though, there are some documented use cases in the area of publicly verifiable ciphertexts. In which case, it may be appropriate to remove $R_\mathrm{public}$ from the calculation of $h_\sigma$, so the signature can be verified without knowing the recipients. If the verifier isn't fully public, say it's some semi-trusted service, it may also be appropriate to add a secret value, or use a keyed-hash, when calculating $h_\sigma$. That way only entities who are given the secret value will have permission to verify recipients.
AEAD-then-keyed-signAD-1way $(\ref{eq:AEAD-then-keyed-signAD-1way})$:
This example solution enables an entity outside of the communication channel to verify that a ciphertext has been issued by a signing party using an ephemeral key $K_A$. The outside entity doesn't learn anything about the recipient's identity information since $K_A$ is ephemeral.
\hline \\
\mathrm{\quad \bf{designation} \quad} & & K & S & R & P & \sigma & \\
\mathrm{secret} & & \checkmark & & \checkmark & \checkmark \\
\mathrm{nonsecret} & & & \dagger & & & \dagger \\
$$K_E, K_A = \mathrm{KDF}(K, \space \mathrm{canonicalize}(\alpha_1, \space A, \space S_\mathrm{public}, \space R_\mathrm{public}))$$
$$C = \mathrm{AEAD}_{K_E}(P, \space \cdot \space)$$
$$\sigma = S.\mathrm{sign}(H_{K_A}(\mathrm{canonicalize}(S_\mathrm{public}, \space C)))$$
AEAD-then-keyed-signAD-2way $(\ref{eq:AEAD-then-keyed-signAD-2way})$:
This example solution enables an entity outside of the communication channel to verify that a ciphertext has been issued by a signing party to specific recipients, using an ephemeral key $K_A$.
\hline \\
\mathrm{\quad \bf{designation} \quad} & & K & S & R & P & \sigma & \\
\mathrm{secret} & & \checkmark & & & \checkmark \\
\mathrm{nonsecret} & & & \dagger & \dagger & & \dagger \\
$$K_E, K_A = \mathrm{KDF}(K, \space \mathrm{canonicalize}(\alpha_2, \space A, \space S_\mathrm{public}, \space R_\mathrm{public}))$$
$$C = \mathrm{AEAD}_{K_E}(P, \space \cdot \space)$$
$$\sigma = S.\mathrm{sign}(H_{K_A}(\mathrm{canonicalize}(S_\mathrm{public}, \space R_\mathrm{public}, \space C)))$$
The main takeaways, which are supported in recent works and in the design of modern libraries, are that key material, signatures, and hashes, should unambiguously commit to specific and unique usage contexts. Doing so with care can make both the safest options (signAD-then-AEAD) and the riskier options (AEAD-then-signAD) safer.