For a challenge, I need to find the key that enciphered a text.
I know that the key is of length N (invariable). There is no assurance that the key is only alphabetical or alphanumeric, but it could be a reasonable assumption.
I know that the original text is alphabetical only, no number, but there is no assurance that the text is lowercase or uppercase only. It would be a reasonable assumption that the text has lowercase and uppercase characters.
The actual encryption is similar to the one of a Vigenere cipher, in that it uses a rolling key to XOR the input, character by character going like (pseudo code, don't try to run this in any language) :
ciphertext = ""
n = 0 ; //key iterator
for character in input:
ciphertext += key[n] XOR character;
if(c >= N) { // reset key iterator when reaching the known length of the key
c = 0;
return ciphertext
The output is not directly usable as text and the input has both uppercase and lowercase characters.
How should I go about breaking the encrypted text ?
What I thought about:
Extract from the encrypted text the characters encrypted by the same letter of the key, for example, isolate all characters encrypted with key[0], and run statistical analysis on it. My problem is that the presence of uppercase and lowercase letters makes statistical analysis difficult, being unable to differentiate the same letters in uppercase or lowercase. We now have 52 possible letters instead of 26, on a text that is too short to use this method. (around 450 characters, for a 8char long key, it means only 56char by set)
Go the known plaintext way, trying to find commonly used words. The problem is that he text is most likely either in french, or english, and the longer the word, the most likely it is that it's not present in the text. I think this is a last resort solution.
Simply bruteforce the text. Assuming a key length of 8char, with a charset of 0-9a-zA-Z, we've got 62^8 (several hundreds thousands of billions) possible permutations, which is impossible to cover.
What could I do to resolve this, or reduce the time it would take to solve ? I was wondering is there was a way to know if the input text is either in lowercase or uppercase from the encrypted text, or if there is a way to manipulate the encrypted text to put it all in uppercase ... That would help with the statistical analysis a bit, even if I won't most likely have not enough data for a quality analysis.