Say that Alice wants to communicate with Bob, but she does not want any direct contact with him. Instead, Alice will put the secret in public, such as a discussion board, and Bob will come there to get the info.
Assume that the secret is "attack", Alice can come up with the sentence "Apple is the best to eat, and it can really keeps you healthy." Assume Bob knows the magic key 2, he can retrieve the secret.
My question is, how possible it is to generate an article (that makes sense) out of a longer secret, such as a sentence? Is AI good enough to do it?
Of course, the shorter the word-span, the harder it is to compose a suitable article. But if I require a relevant word appears at the location 1, 51, 101, 151, ..., I think it is not too hard.
Update: thank you all for your reply. As you see, the example I gave is rather simple. I can easily improve the "magic number", instead of using 2 or 50 or 100, I can generate a series of random number from the same seed, owned by Alice and Bob.