Assume we are in a centralized secret sharing setting, where one party generates the shares, and distributes them to other parties. How can the distributor who creates the shares prove to the parties that they received the correct share?
Imagine the parties later share their shares or some other information between themselves to check whether the shares indeed combine to the correct value. But if this fails, it means one or more of the shares were wrong. Can one identify which shares were indeed wrong? And if yes, how does one know whether the distributor gave a wrong share to a party, or if this party deviated from the protocol and sampled a random share himself/herself?
For simplicity we can assume that shares are additive, and they are generated as $s_1,\ldots,s_{n-1} \gets \mathbb{Z}_p$, and $s_n = s - \sum^{n-1}_{i=1} s_i$, for a secret value $s$ that we want to share. And we are in n-out-of-n setting.
Also we can imagine that the distributor is the one that samples $s$ and then sends $g^s$ to other parties, so they can just combine their shares in the exponent to check whether it is equal to $g^s$. Which again opens a door for distributor to cheat, what if it sends wrong value, such as $g^{s’}$?