
Peggy would like to prove to Victor that she knows the discrete logarithm of $y$ based $g$; that is, she knows $x$ such that $y = g^x \bmod p$. One round of the interactive proof protocol consists of the following steps.

  1. Peggy picks random $k \in \mathbb Z/(p−1)\mathbb Z$, computes $t = g^k \bmod p$, and sends $t$ to Victor.
  2. Victor picks random $h \in \mathbb Z/(p−1)\mathbb Z$ and sends $h$ to Peggy.
  3. Peggy computes $r = (k − hx) \bmod (p − 1)$ and sends $r$ to Victor.
  4. Victor verifies that $t = g^r y^h \bmod p$.

The interactive protocol can be converted into a noninteractive zero-knowledge proof by choosing and making public a collision-resistant hash function $H$, and changing the second step of the interactive protocol to the following: Peggy computes $h = H(y, t)$. Then the noninteractive proof consists of $(t, h, r)$, which can be verified as follows: $$h = H(y, t), \qquad t \stackrel?= g^r y^h \bmod p.$$

  1. What is the problem if in the non-interactive proof the hash $h$ depends only on $y$? That is, $h = H(y)$, and the proof consists of $(t, h, r)$, which can be verified as follows: $$h = H(y), \qquad t \stackrel?= g^r y^h \bmod p.$$

  2. What is the problem if in the non-interactive proof the hash $h$ depends only on $t$? That is, $h = H(t)$, and the proof consists of $(t, h, r)$, which can be verified as follows: $$h = H(t), \qquad t \stackrel?= g^r y^h \bmod p.$$

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ What have you tried to do to approach this? Hint: As a forger, you are not constrained to run the protocol as it is written; you just have to find a triple of values $(t, h, r)$, and possibly $y$, that will fool a verifier without using $x = \log_g y$ directly. $\endgroup$ Commented Oct 18, 2019 at 21:27
  • $\begingroup$ @SqueamishOssifrage I am trying to figure out weakness in NI Fiat-Shamir protocol. As in the 3 stage original Fiat Shamir the hash is sent along with the mesaage and the hash consists of the message y and the random t , but what if we only hash the message y or the random t and then the verifier inturn verifies as stated above will also work . My goal is to find the weakness to exploit it .? Thanks a lot $\endgroup$ Commented Oct 18, 2019 at 21:31
  • $\begingroup$ Usually $t$ is not included in the signature; did you really mean to include it as a triple $(t, h, r)$, or did you mean a pair $(h, r)$? $\endgroup$ Commented Oct 18, 2019 at 21:35
  • $\begingroup$ @SqueamishOssifrage I do not think sending the hash of t also along makes any difference as the adversary(be it the prover or verifier or anyone) wont be able to get any meaningful info from it as it a one way function ? cryptologie.net/article/193/… The random t is not included ! Please refer this but including also wont make any difference? Thanks $\endgroup$ Commented Oct 18, 2019 at 21:39
  • $\begingroup$ Or, alternatively, the signature is usually $(t, r)$ with $h$ recomputed. Making the signature more complicated may not hurt security but it certainly doesn't help—and, in principle, it might hurt a great deal, e.g. if a verifier only checks $t \stackrel?= g^r y^h$. $\endgroup$ Commented Oct 18, 2019 at 21:42

2 Answers 2


I think you have the verification of Fiat Shamir wrong. The proof consists of $(h,r)$ and $y$ which is public anyway and only the relation $h = H(y,g^r y^h)$ is checked. As a result in your first case the proof is trivially valid. Your second case is interesting as it is not secure against an adaptive adversary. There is a paper by David Bernhard, Olivier Pereira and Bogdan Warinschi on this issue which considers its applications to e-voting as well. Please take a look at https://eprint.iacr.org/2016/771 page 6.

  • $\begingroup$ Hello sir I found the answer to the 2nd part in the paper you suggested and I posted it below but I am not able to understand it can you please explain if it makes sense to you thank you so much $\endgroup$ Commented Oct 18, 2019 at 22:05

The Schnorr signature scheme is the weak Fiat-Shamir transformation of the Schnorr identification protocol. In a group G of order q generated by G, it proves knowledge of an exponent x satisfying the equation X = G^x for a known X. Viewing (x, X) as a signing/verification key pair and including a message in the hash input yields a signature of knowledge. To create a proof, the prover picks a random a ← Zq and computes A = G^a. He then hashes A to create a challenge c = H(A). Finally he computes f = a+cx; the proof is the pair (c, f) and the verification procedure consists in checking the equation c= H(G^f/X^c) The weak Fiat-Shamir transformation can safely be used here, as discussed in previous analysis since the public key X is selected first and given as input to the adversary who tries to produce a forgery. However, if the goal of the adversary is to build a valid triple (X, c, f) for any X of his choice, then this protocol is not a proof of knowledge anymore unless the discrete logarithm problem is easy in G. Suppose indeed that there is an extractor K that, by interacting with any prover P that provides a valid triple (X, c, f), extracts x = log(baseG)(X). This extractor can be used to solve an instance Y of the discrete logarithm problem with respect to (G, G) as follows: use Y as the proof commitment, compute c = H(Y ), choose f ← Zq and set X = ( G^f/y)^(1/c). Since the proof (Y, c, f) passes the verification procedure for statement X, the extractor K should be able to compute x = log(base G)(X) by interacting with our prover. We now observe that, by taking the discrete logarithm in base G on both sides of the definition of X, we obtain the solution log(baseG)(Y ) = f − cx to the discrete logarithm challenge.


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