I am reading up on Pairings using Elliptic curves & all the texts talk about functions on a Curve.
I am finding it difficult to even figure out what they mean by "function on a curve" or "function on a line"
The equation of a line or a curve itself is in the form of a function, but I am unable to figure what is "function on a curve" or "function on a line".
Some examples.
In Mathematical Cryptography by Silverman,
Theorem 5.36. Let E be an elliptic curve.
(a) Let f and f' be rational functions on E.
Another text says, it will first introduce function on a line before going to function on a curve
We first give a gentle introduction to the theory of divisors by looking at examples of functions on the line before considering elliptic curves.
What exactly is a function on a line or a curve? And how are there multiple functions on a line or a curve? All I understand is one function which is associated with the curve or the line (the curve or line equation). It's very difficult to understand what are these multiple functions on a line or a curve.