We have a set of query answers, i.e., $A = \{A_1, A_2, \dots, A_m\}$ and then we add noise to each of $A_i$ using a mechanism ($M$) providing differential privacy, i.e., $M(A_i) = O_i$. We denote the set of noisy query answers by $O = \{O_1, O_2, \dots, O_m\}$.
Let's say an adversary is given the sets $A$ and $O$ (in some shuffled order), and they need to correctly match up the pairs $(A_i, O_i)$. I want to compute the probability that an adversary can correctly match up each pair. Is there any mathematical formula to compute the probability based on our mechanism parameters?
For example, in the worst case where all $O_i$ are the same, then the adversary can match up each pair correctly with probability $1/m$. In the best case, where the noise is minimal, and the accuracy is very high, then the adversary can match up a pair correctly with a probability close to a hundred percent.