I understand that using Grover's algorithm it only requires $2^{64}$ lookups for a 128 bit AES encryption, leading people to say we need to increase to 256 bit keys. But how long would it actually take a quantum computer to do $2^{64}$ lookups?
I can't say I fully understand quantum computers, but aren't people making the assumption that 128 bit is only unsafe to quantum computers because 64 bit (which 128 bit becomes using a quantum computer) can be broken through brute force on our current computers...? Even if a quantum computer only needs to do $2^{64}$ lookups, presumably it doesn't do them at the exact speed of current computers.
When people have asked in the past how long a quantum computer would take to break AES 128 bit, people always answer that it would take $2^{64}$ lookups (which some people take to mean the amount of time we currently take to break 64 bit), but there's never any indication of an actual time.
I understand that quantum computers are highly theoretical at this stage in terms of large scale implementation, but can anyone offer any ideas?