I found the following paper really interesting:
It allows construction of a subset of BN curves where it easy to find the sextic twist. For instance, one knows through the contruction that the sextic twist will be the D-type which means one doesn't have to count points on the elliptic curves to check their order. Also, it gives explicit parameters for the generators of the involved subgroups.
Anyway there's one thing I'm wondering which the paper doesn't go into. Having determined the sextic twist and its generator, how do I map points on the twist back to the "real" curve over $p^{12}$? Other papers specify an isomorphism like:
$(x,y) \to (i^{1/3} x, i^{1/2} y$)
for the D-type (where $i$ plays the role of the epsilon in the paper mentioned). But how do I find the cube-root of $i$? It has to be found when $i$ is interpreted as an element of the finite field of size $p^{12}$ (probably represented using tower polynomials which the paper also describes? I have no problems understanding how to do ordinary arithmetic in this field but I don't know how to do cubic root extraction.
Also, I'm wondering if I'm completely off track because one of the benefits on the construction mentioned in the paper should be that one doesn't have to do cubic root extraction!