Although the RFC2945 for SRP specifies SHA1 explicitly, and allows you to choose values for your g
and N
, I looked through the BouncyCastle implementation of SRP6, and it allows you to specify your digest, and they provide standard group parameters. So, I used Sha256Digest
and ran some benchmarks of Srp6StandardGroups.rfc5054_3072
and Srp6StandardGroups.rfc5054_2048
I generated a verifier for a known password, and then scripted a brute force attack against that password, which will invariably find the right password after 100 incorrect guesses. One time, I used the debugger to step through the code, to confirm exactly which operations it's doing. I confirmed that the work per guess is two iterations of the digest function, and then a call to BigInteger.ModPow()
, which calls ModPowBarrett()
or ModPowMonty()
, which I assume to be performance optimized implementations of simultaneously raising to a power and getting modulus of big integers.
In windows .NET, on my i7 processor, I measured about 13ms per guess with the 2048 group, and 30ms per guess with the 3072 group. I don't know if other libraries would outperform BouncyCastle, and I don't know how much acceleration could be gained with specialized hardware (GPU, etc).
I then repeated the test, but instead of giving the password and guesses directly to SRP, I used Rfc2898DeriveBytes() with 10,000 iterations to get pbkdf2 of each password before generating its verifier. This brought the cost up: around 80ms spent on pbkdf2, and 30ms on verification, for each guess in the 3072 group. The same code (in fact the same binaries) perform a little worse on mono (literally on the same system, on the same i7 processor). In mono, the above configuration gave me around 84ms spent on pbkdf2, and 77ms spent on verification, per guess.