Here's one approach that, assuming $x, y, z$ are random, takes approximately the same time as two exponentiations.
The general idea is to treat x, y, z as base 4 values, which we scan from the lsbit direction. We keep running values for $R1, R2, R3$, which are initially 1. At iteration $i$, we have the value $b^{4^i}$ and $b^{2 \cdot 4^i}$ (which takes two modular squarings to compute); if any of $x, y, z$ have a 3 in the digit $i$ position, we also compute the value $b^{3 \cdot 4^i}$ (this happens with probability 0.578, and takes one modular multiplication when it does). Then, for each of $x, y, z$, if their digit $d$ is not 0, then we multiply in $b^{d \cdot 4^i}$ into the corresponding $R$ value; for each variable, this takes one modular multiply with probability 0.75, for a total of 2.25 expected multiplies.
If we add everything up, we have 2 modular squarings, and 2.828 modular multiplications per step; for 160 bit exponents, there are 80 steps. If we remove one squaring (for the initial computation of $b^{4^0}$), and the 3 initial modular multiplications of $R1, R2, R3$, we get a total of 159 squarings, and 223 multiplications; this is in the same ballpark as twice the number of operations a good modular exponentiation for a 160 bit exponent would take.
I suspect that this isn't the best possible; it does show that some speed up can be achieved. On the other hand, I rather suspect that it'd be impossible to compute all three $R1, R2, R3$ in the same time that it takes to compute one of them; some slow down would appear to be inevitable.