Given the ciphertext and the first $n$ characters of the plaintext, you can uniquely determine the remainder of the plaintext. Thus, for each ciphertext, there are only $k^n$ possible plaintexts (where $k = 26$ is the size of the alphabet).
In particular, this implies that if you have no prior knowledge of the plaintext, so that each of the $k^{2n}$ possible plaintexts is equally likely a priori, then: $${\rm H}(\text{plaintext}) = 2n \log k \ne n \log k = {\rm H}(\text{plaintext} \mid \text{ciphertext}).$$
For your assignment, you might want to work that out explicitly, using Bayes' theorem and the definition of conditional entropy. This would also allow you to derive the more general result for non-uniform priors, and to show that the entropies are only equal for some very special prior plaintext distributions (specifically, those for which the second half of the plaintext is always a Vigenère encryption of the first half using some fixed key). But all you really need to disprove the perfect secrecy of the Vigenère cipher is to show that it's not perfectly secret for some prior plaintext distribution (e.g. the uniform one), for which all you need is the formula for the entropy of the uniform distribution and the observation that the restriction of the uniform distribution to some subset of its support is still uniform, just with fewer choices.
Or, perhaps even simpler, you could just consider the case where you already know in advance that the plaintext is either "AAA...AAA" or "AAA...AAB", and show that the prior entropy in this case is 1 bit (assuming that each of these plaintexts is equally likely a priori), whereas the conditional plaintext distribution has 0 bits of entropy (since comparing the two halves of the ciphertext is enough to uniquely determine the plaintext).