Consider 6 people, $A,B,C,D,E,F$ and a secret. Construct a scheme which enables the following subsets of people to retrieve the secret:
three players from the set $\{A,B,C,D\}$
two players from the set $\{A,E,F\}$
two players from the set $\{B,C,D\}$ together with at least one player from the set $\{A,E, F\}$.
I want to know how I can distribute $6$ shares amongst these people so that the secret can only be obtained when three shares come together i.e a threshold of three. I've tried so many options but there always seems to be one unauthorised subset that gains access to the secret that causes it not to work. For example if I label the shares $1,2,3,4,5,6$ and distribute them like the following:
$A - 1$
$B- 2$
$C - 3$
$D - 6$
$E - 2,5$
$F - 3,4$
Then the unauthorised set $\{D,F\}$ for example will have three shares and be able to recover the secret. Is there a way to distribute them so that only authorised subsets can gain access to the secret?