Special honest verifier zero-knowledge and zero-knowledge property is defined as follows:
Special honest verifier zero-knowledge (SHVZK): There exists a polynomial-time simulator $M$, which on input $x$ and a random $t$, outputs an accepting conversation of the form $(m_1,t,m_2)$, with the same probability distribution as conversations between the honest $(P,V)$ on input $x$
Zero-knowledge property (ZK): Let $(P,V)$ be an interactive proof system for some language $L$ . We say that $(P,V)$ is computational zero-knowledge if for every probabilistic polynomial-time interactive machine $V^*$, there exists a probabilistic polynomial-time algorithm $M^*$ such that the output of the interactive machine $V^*$ after it interacts with the interactive machine $P$ on common input $x$ is computationally indistinguishable from the output of machine $M^*$ on input $x$.
Assume, there exists an interactive-protocol $\pi$ for language $L$ which is three move protocol that satisfies the zero-knowledge property.
Considering $\pi$, the difference between SHVZK and ZK is the simulator is constructed for only honest verifiers in SVZK, whereas in ZK simulator must constructed for even cheating verifiers.
Can we say $\pi$ satisfies SHVZK? My doubt is in SHVZK, the simulator produces an accepting transcript whereas in ZK property there is no condition about acceptance of transcript generated by simulator.