Boolean circuits are Turing complete and so the answer is yes for any computation. Specifically, for this case, the circuit will assume that the loop never exits early (and if it finishes early, then the circuit will not change the result). In general, if you need to compute a branch in a circuit, then the circuit will always have both branches.
If your question is about efficiency, then there may be more efficient ways to compute this than in a circuit. For example, use MPC to compute $r\cdot a$ where $r$ is an unknown random value. Then, the parties compute $b=(r\cdot a)^{-1} \bmod q$, and then securely compute $r \cdot b$. This result is $a^{-1} \bmod q$. There are many ways to do this, using homomorphic encryption (e.g., Paillier), OT and so on. However, the main challenge is to prevent cheating, if you want malicious security. It also depends if you are looking at the honest majority or dishonest majority setting. For an honest majority, one just uses standard techniques to generate a secret sharing of $r$. The parties then run secure multiplication on shared values to get $r\cdot a$ and open it, and then each local invert the result. Finally, each uses local scalar multiplication of their share of $r$ with $b$ to get shares of $a^{-1} \bmod q$.