
Define a family of strongly universal hash functions as:

$$\forall x_1, x_2 \in \{0,1\}^n, \forall y_1, y_2 \in \{0,1\}^m, ~ x_1\ne x_2: ~~ \Pr_{h\in H} [h(x_1) = y_1 ~\text{and}~ h(x_2) = y_2] \le \frac{1}{2^{2m}}$$

if $h: \{0,1\}^n \rightarrow \{0,1\}^m$ and a family of $\delta$ universal hash functions: $\forall x_1, x_2 \in \{0,1\}^n$ where $x_1 \neq x_2$: $$Pr_{h \in H} [h(x_1) = h(x_2)] \leq \delta$$

(Definitions according to Moni Naor slides.

Then I see why strongly universal implies $2^{-k}$ universal (simply pick $y_2 = y_1 = h(x_1)$), but according to Moni Naor slides, $\delta$ universal does not imply strongly-universal.

Since I don't fully understand the counterexample on the slides ($h(x) = x$) I am searching for a counterexample and an intuitive description of the differences between the two definitions?


2 Answers 2


There are two orthogonal question axes here:

  • Universal vs. strongly universal. A universal hash family has bounded collision probability: for any inputs $x \ne y$, the probability that they collide under a random hash function $H$ is bounded by $1/t$, where $t$ is the number of possible hash values: $$\Pr[H(x) = H(y)] \leq 1/t.$$ (If hash values are $m$-bit strings, then $t = 2^m$.) However, although the probability of collision may be bounded by $1/t$, knowledge of $H(x)$ may inform you about $H(y)$ for certain pairs of $x$ and $y$.

    In a strongly universal hash family, sometimes called pairwise independent, this does not happen because the hash values of any two inputs $x \ne y$ are independent uniform random variables: $$\Pr[H(x) = u, H(y) = v] = \Pr[H(x) = u] \cdot \Pr[H(y) = v] = 1/t^2,$$ for any hash values $u$ and $v$. This is called pairwise independent because it may be limited to any two variables—for any positive integer $k$, there's a corresponding notion of $k$-wise independence.

    Obviously any pairwise-independent hash family is universal (proof: exercise), but the converse does not hold. For example, fix a prime $p$, and define $H_1(x) = a x$ on $\mathbb Z/p\mathbb Z$ for uniform random $a \in \mathbb Z/p\mathbb Z$. Then $H_1(x) = H_1(y)$ means $ax = ay$, an event which, for $x \ne y$, happens if and only if $a = 0$, so $$\Pr[H_1(x) = H_1(y)] = \Pr[a = 0] = 1/p.$$ But if $H_1(x) = a x = u$, there is only one possible value of $H_1(y) = a y = v$, namely $v = y u/x$, so

    \begin{equation*} \Pr[H_1(x) = u, H_1(y) = v] = \begin{cases} 1, & \text{if $x v = y u$;} \\ 0, & \text{otherwise.} \end{cases} \end{equation*}

    Hence $H_1$ is not pairwise independent, because for certain values of $x$, $y$, $u$, and $v$, $\Pr[H_1(x) = u, H_1(y) = v] = 1$ is far above the bound of $1/p^2$. That is, if you know $x$ and $y$, and you learn $u = H_1(x)$, you can perfectly predict what $v$ will be even if you didn't know a priori what the secret hash key $a$ was.

  • Universal vs. $\delta$-universal. This is just a generalization of the concept: you replace the bound $1/t$, for a hash family taking on $t$ possible hash values, by the bound $\delta$, which is usually a small multiple of $1/t$. There is a corresponding notion of a $\delta^2$-strongly-universal hash family. A $1/t$-universal hash family is just universal. A $1/t^2$-strongly-universal hash family is just strongly universal.

    For example, fix a prime $p$, say $2^{130} - 5$, and let $r \in \mathbb Z/p\mathbb Z$ be uniform random. For a polynomial $f$ over $\mathbb Z/p\mathbb Z$ of degree at most $\ell$, define $H_2(f) = f(r)$. We can encode a message as the coefficients of the polynomial $f$. If $H_2(f) = H_2(g)$ for polynomials $f \ne g$, then clearly $f(r) = g(r)$, so $r$ is a root of the polynomial $f - g$. But there are only at most $\ell$ such roots. Since every $r$ has probability $1/p$, we have

    \begin{equation*} \Pr[H_2(f) = H_2(g)] = \Pr[r \mathrel{\text{is a root of}} f - g] \leq \ell/p. \end{equation*}

    Thus, $H_2$ is $\ell/p$-universal. Here $\delta = \ell/p$ is a small multiple of the number $1/p$ of distinct outputs from $H_2$. This hash family $H_2$ is noteworthy in cryptography because it is the basis of the Poly1305 message authentication code, which is a contender (along with GHASH) for the most popular MAC in the world. (Some background on the history and role of universal hashing in message authentication codes in cryptography.)


Welcome to Crypto Stackexchange! This is a good question.

Strongly universal hash functions have the property that the probabilities of two hash values being equal is limited by the function $\frac{1}{2^{2m}}$. The $\delta$ universal hash functions, however, are limited by $\delta$, which may be any function.

So, to say that a function is strongly universal is essentially saying, "we have a function where the probability of a collision is bounded above by $\frac{1}{2^{2m}}$".

To say that a function is $\delta$ universal is saying "we have a hash function where the probability of a collision is bounded by some function $\delta$ ".

So it is clear that having a hash function for which the probability of a collision is bounded by $\frac{1}{2^{2m}}$ therefore implies that the probability of a collision for that function is bounded. This means that strongly universal implies $\delta$ universal.

Note, however, that the reverse statement is not true. A function which is $\frac{2}{2^{2m}}$ universal is not strongly universal. Saying the probability of a collision being bounded by $\frac{2}{2^{2m}}$ does not imply that it is bounded also by $\frac{1}{2^{2m}}$.

Only when $\delta \leq \frac{1}{2^{2m}}$ will $\delta$ universal imply strongly universal. In general, this will not always be the case.


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