My symmetric block cipher works kind of like a stream cipher, but it works on $128$-bit blocks. It generates a $128$-bit block in every round. And at the end of the round, I have to slice it into two blocks and add them together. I mean after each round we take first $a$ bits and second $b$ bits of $128$-bit block and then compute $b+a$. $a$ is equal to $0$ to $127$, it is computed from the key schedule and should be indistinguishable from random. But such slicing can be attacked by the side-channel attack. Attacker can find $a_{0}$, $a_{1}$, $a_{2}$ and so on for every round.
But my cipher works like a stream cipher. That means it computes bit by bit in steps and then combines them into a block. Normally I'm making $128$-bit block with this, for $i$ in the range $0-127$:
$bitv$ is a bit value $0$ or $1$ and it comes from cipher function. We are just making some binary string/block here. My idea is to not slicing block in the end but first compute first $a$ bits like a string for $i$ in the range $0-a$, where $a$ is some indistinguishable from a random number from the key schedule:
- $a=a+btiv$
and then compute the rest of the string for $i$ in range $a+1-127$ as:
- $ct = ct + bitv + a$
Anyway, we still have to make for example two loops "for". First for $i$ in range $0-a$ and second in range $a+1-127$ inside the round. Is it possible to attack it by the side-channel attack? Can the attacker detect when the first loop will end and the second will start and then find $a$?