1. Scenario
Suppose that we have a source that is generating one random value per, say, minute. So we have random value $x_1$ in $1$st minute, $x_2$ in $2$nd minute, $\ldots$, $x_n$ in the $n$th minute, and so forth.
The distribution of values $x_1, x_2, \ldots$ is not entirely uniform random, but follows the following rule: for any $i \ge 1$, $x_i = (y_i, y_{i+1})$, where, $y_i$ is the unique identifier of $x_i$, and $y_{i+1}$ is the unique identifier of upcoming $x_{i+1}$ that going to arrive at the next minute.
In other words, at any given $i$th minute, the current $x_i$, and the next $x_{i+}$ are known, but the one after $x_{i+2}$ is absolutely unknown, or random. Below is an example:
Minute 1: x_1 = (334234 , 234829129 )
Minute 2: x_2 = (234829129, 983220 )
Minute 3: x_3 = (983220 , 831231236347)
Minute n: x_n = (643532754, 3534611 )
One way to hash those $n$ values, in order, is to hash each value as it arrives, e.g. $h_1 = f(x_1)$, then chain it with the next newly arriving one, e.g. $h_2 = f(x_2 \parallel h_1)$.
In other words, the hash of the ordered list of input, in the $n$th minute is defined recursively as $h_n = f(x_n \parallel h_{n-1})$, with the base case being $h_1 = f(x_1)$.
The advantage of this approach is that, for somehow who is running this process from the beginning, at every minute, both the run-time and space-time are in $O(1)$, as he can cache the hash from the previous minute.
The disadvantage of this approach is that, for someone that was not following the process, and wishes to verify if $h_n$ is indeed the hash of the entire sequence, he will have to start over from the beginning with $h_1$, and repeat the entire chain all the way until $h_n$. Effectively, this verification process will take $O(n)$ space and $O(n)$ time.
2. Wormhole
It would be nice if it is possible that, at every $n$ many hashed chains, we can discover a wormhole $w_n$ that has the following properties:
- Once the $n$th hash, $h_n$, is legitimately calculated off $h_1$ by following the full recursion earlier, only then the wormhole $w_n$ becomes discovered. Otherwise, finding $w_n$ is practically impossible.
- For a given $h'_n$ hash that is claimed to be $h_n$, the wormhole can shortcut the verification as follows:
$$ w_n(h_1, h'_n) = \begin{cases} 1 & \text{if $h'_n = h_n$}\\ 0 & \text{else}\\ \end{cases} $$
- The asymptotic worst run-time as well as the asymptotic worst space for computing $w_n(h_1, h'_n)$ is not worse than $O(\log n)$. If it's possible to make it in $O(1)$, that's be even better of course.
Note. This is different than the pre-image attack of hashing functions. The difference being as follows:
Pre-image attacks allow the attacker to forge an arbitrary input that gives some desired target hash.
This wormhole $w_n$ does not allow forging any arbitrary input, but rather reveals a hidden shortcut path that works only for linking a specific input that allows to link $h_n$ back to $h_1$, and that the only way to discover such wormhole is by legitimately calculating $h_n$ first.
Maybe we can call such a wormhole to be a conditional pre-image attack that does not benefit the adversary.
3. Question
Are such verification wormholes known, or even possible?