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Do we need the quantum random oracle model (QROM)?

I am currently studying the proof of the Dilithium signature in the quantum random oracle model (QROM). I am curious to hear if anyone have any thoughts on the importance of having proofs in the QROM ...
Rory's user avatar
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Unable to retrieve the binary string using LWE and Lattice-based decryption

I am new to this encryption scheme, so I may not be exactly sure of its implementation. I have a list of (u, v) ciphertext pairs to decrypt, each of them are 1-bit. ...
user108142's user avatar
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2 answers

LWE and Lattice-based cryptography: How to recover binary message $M$ from $(u, v)$ values?

I am given a set of $(u, v)$ values, matrix $A$, primary key vector, private key vector, error vector and prime $q$. I wanted to recover the binary value of each $(u, v)$ pairs using LWE decryption. ...
user108142's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Are lattice-based cryptography and error-correcting codes mathematically unsound?

From Ronald de Wolf's The potential impact of quantum computers on society: The first is so-called post-quantum cryptography. This is classical cryptography, based on computational problems that are ...
HarryFoster1812's user avatar
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value bound of r⋅e for LWE Decryption correctness

For LWE decryption, Someone told me that If we can bound r⋅e by q/4 then we can retrieve M by checking if this is closer to <...
kevin's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Encryption and decryption for LWE

For , could anyone explain how the encryption and decryption for LWE work ? When I do more reading on
kevin's user avatar
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4 votes
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Testing of PQC NIST round3 submissions

I am new to this field and have some concerns regarding PQC; How does NIST do a comparison that a particular algorithm is efficient and its security can not be broken by future quantum attacks? I am ...
Abdul Muneeb's user avatar
33 votes
3 answers

New quantum attack on lattices (or Shor strikes again)?

Lior Eldar and Peter W. Shor published a paper on in which they present a new quantum algorithm against a variant of BDD. They claim that their new algorithm can efficiently solve the ...
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