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3 votes
1 answer

Is the user's password revealed to a curious server in the OPAQUE PAKE?

If the server is honest-but-curious, it can attempt to guess the user’s password $\mathsf{pw}$ by computing $\mathsf{rw} = H(\mathsf{pw}, H'(\mathsf{pw})^s)$,where $s$ is the server's OPRF key. Then, ...
frost.crystal's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Anonymous PAKE using two party computation

Let's say client side has a secret password $\pi$. The server has a series of indices $0..n-1$ and a salt associated value $s_i$ for all $i \in \{0,n-1\}$ call it set $S=\{s_i | i \in \{0,n-1\}\}$ ...
Manish Adhikari's user avatar