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Linear Verification time for zk-SNARKs?

I've come across this paper that benchmarks the efficiency of zk-SNARKs, zk-STARKs and Bulletproofs. The table on page 8 states that the verification time for zk-SNARKs is linear in the size of the ...
Niko Wolf's user avatar
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How is succinct verification for transparent SNARKs possible?

I am a bit confused as to how succinct verification is possible with transparent SNARKs (i.e., SNARKs without trusted setup). As I understand it, a transparent SNARK proof $\pi$ allows a verifier ...
user432944's user avatar
2 votes
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Question about P and NP problem

There is a definition for NP shown below. Could anyone please explain why "By restricting the definition of NP to witness strings of length zero, we capture the same problems as those in P."?...
fa william's user avatar