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Cipher block chaining (CBC) is a method for encrypting large amounts of data with a block cipher that can only encrypt fixed length plaintexts. When used with an unpredictable initialization vector (IV), it is secure against chosen plaintext attacks (CPA-secure).

1 vote
1 answer

Does truncating a CBC ciphertext result in a truncated plaintext?

I want to know why in the CBC cipher, if we truncate the first block in the ciphertext then the corresponding plaintext block is truncated in the same way. …
revision's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Understanding CBC-MAC Algorithm and Nested Encryption

In the CBC-MAC algorithm as given in the image below, I have two questions: It is said that the CBC-MAC is simply the last block of ciphertext if the message is encrypted using CBC block cipher mode, … and I don't understand what this means How does encryption with CBC even work for schemes such as this where encryption is nested. …
revision's user avatar