Provable security: impossible reduction when messages are encrypted/semantic security with function depending on the output of adversary
So $y$ is a classical cipher text, but it is determined using a superposition that is still useful after the end of the protocol.
Provable security: impossible reduction when messages are encrypted/semantic security with function depending on the output of adversary
@Maeher It's because the goal of the protocol is to create a quantum state unknown to Bob. Basically to obtain the $y$, Bob is supposed to create a superposition $\sum_x | x \rangle | g(x) \rangle$. The function $g$ is 2-to-1: so after measuring the second register we get $| x \rangle+|x' \rangle$ on the first register for the 2 preimages of $g$. From this state we can obtain a new quantum state that will be used in other protocols (the adversary cannot fully describe this state since it can't invert $g$). If Bob wanted to learn one $x$ ,he could measure it... but it would destroy it.
Provable security: impossible reduction when messages are encrypted/semantic security with function depending on the output of adversary
@Mikero also, if Bob echos back $y$, then it would basically set $x = 00$ (which is perfectly fine).
Provable security: impossible reduction when messages are encrypted/semantic security with function depending on the output of adversary
@Mikero Thanks for your answer, but I'm not sure if it works (at least in my case). If the simulator picks the public key of Alice, we need an argument to say that the simulator can encrypt a random $d_0'$ in place of $d_0$ (because $d_0$ should not leak to the simulator) without being detected. However, I don't think this is directly implies by IND-CPA (see my edit). Am I missing something?
Provable security: impossible reduction when messages are encrypted/semantic security with function depending on the output of adversary
@Maeher Thanks for your answer. Unfortunately this cannot work in my case because I'm in a quantum setting: basically, for the adversary to learn $x$, it needs to destroy its state (and then, the protocol is not useful anymore). I could of course do a "cut and choose" approach by asking from time to time do destroy the state and from time to time to continue, but then I only get polynomial security :-( I also don't think that the approach proposed by Mikero works, I'll try to ellaborate in another message.
Is it common/valid to hardcode an element of a language into a simulator?
deleted 467 characters in body
Is it common/valid to hardcode an element of a language into a simulator?
[Edit removed during grace period]; added 471 characters in body
Is it common/valid to hardcode an element of a language into a simulator?
added 176 characters in body
Is it common/valid to hardcode an element of a language into a simulator?
added 31 characters in body
LWE: Round a continuous Gaussian to a true Discrete Gaussian
Ok great, thanks a lot! It would be great to have a "LWE zoo" with all the know reductions, how tight they are, and which paper superseeds which one... Anyway, thanks a lot!
LWE: Round a continuous Gaussian to a true Discrete Gaussian
Sorry to annoy you again, but I was having one more related question. I'd like to have a reduction GapSVP -> Decision Discrete LWE (modulo 2^k). Right now I'm doing GapSVP --[Reg05]--> Search Continous LWE --[MP12]--> Decision Continuous LWE --[Pei10]--> Decision Discrete LWE. But I found it is suboptimal, as [PRS20] provides directly GapSVP --[PRS20, Cor. 5.2]--> Decision Continuous LWE. Do I still need to use [Pei10] for the last reduction to Discrete LWE, or is there a more efficient solution to directly do GapSVP --> Decision Discrete LWE? [PRS20] eprint.iacr.org/2017/258.pdf
What is universal composability guaranteeing, specifically? Where does it apply, and where does it not?
Therefore, to obtain meaningful security results, one must only consider what I call "Information theoretically secure IF". Again, this is not defined formally directly in the CC framework, but I think that it is something important to understand when using the CC framework. I'm sorry if you got confused by my pedagogical choices, it was not intended, and I hope this clarify the confusion.
What is universal composability guaranteeing, specifically? Where does it apply, and where does it not?
Now, if Eve is unbounded, m is not hidden anymore in the case of IF2. I will say that IF2 is "computationnally secure", in the sense that an unbounded adversary can break the initial expectation I had on my IF. Finally, when interacting with IF3, even an unbounded Eve cannot obtain m: I will say that IF3 is "information theoretically secure". My claim is that proving that a protocol P realizes IF2 is not better than proving the game-based security of P (actually, you will have more guarantees if you consider game based security: at least you can quantify what an adversary can learn or not).