I am learning about LFSR sequence and I came across this question: A 16-bit message consists of two ASCII characters. This message was encrypted with a one-time pad, and the key for the one-time pad was an LFSR sequence (mod 2) given by $x_0 = 1$, $x_1 = 0$, $x_2 = 1$ and $x_{n+3} = x_{n+2} \oplus x_n$$x_{n+3} = x_{n+2} + x_n$ for $n \ge 0$. The ciphertext is 1111000000001000. Decode the message.
I'm a lost as where to begin on this one. I am not looking for anyone to just give me the answer, but some guidance (step by step preferably) on what my starting steps should be would be greatly appreciated!