I HaveI'm given $N= pq$$N=p\,q$ and told that $44*p ≈ 17q$. N is a HUGE$44\,p\approx 17\,q$ (with the value given for $N$ some 49-digit integer N=8124642558124642555899928124642555899924479992447,8124642558124642555899928124642555899924479992447
In RSA $p$ and $q$ must be a prime number and integer.
So how can resolveI solve this equation?
IamI'm using mapleMaple, i baganI began with s := evalf(solve(eqns, [p, q])) with eqns := {N = pq, 44p = 17*q}.
The result is not a prime number. How can iI put an otheranother condition to force p$p$ and q$q$ to be prime.? Or iamam I missing something?
Thank you for your help,Note of the editor: superlative HUGE removed for $N$, since it is way too small for RSA being secure.