Consider a Schnorr group with order a prime $q$ sized for security against current computers (like $q$ of 256 bit); modulus a prime $p=q\,r+1$ large enough (e.g. 3072 to 32768-bit) that the algorithms of choice for solving the DLP in the group are Pollard's rho or Pollard's kangaroo, rather than Index calculus, Function field sieve or GNFS.
The expected cost of breaking the Discrete Logarithm Problem in that group on classical computers is a few times $\sqrt q$ multiplications modulo $p$, thus grows about as $\log(p)^\alpha\sqrt q$ with some $\alpha$ depending on the algorithm ($\alpha\approx2$ for simple ones, $\alpha\approx\log_2(3)\approx1.585$ for Karastuba, slightly lower $\alpha$ for more complex algorithms).
On an hypothetical Quantum Computuer, Shor's algorithm in principle can be used for Discrete Logarithm problems (see answers to these questions), including for this group. How does the magnitude of $p$ influence the difficulty of doing this, by some useful criteria? Like number of qubits required, their quality (error rate? coherence time?), duration or energy required for the hypothetical computation.
My motivation is assessing if, when speed and key size are secondary, Schnorr Groups with moderate $q$ but large $p$ (by today's standards) would give some assurance of resisting an hypothetical first wave of Cryptographically Relevant Quantum Computers.