In the Quantum One Time Pad, an $n$-qubit quantum state can be perfectly encrypted (as in the classical OTP) using $2n$ classical bits.
In the classical OTP, I'm allowed to send many times the encryption of the same message $m\oplus k$ with the same key—even if I only send it once, the receiver can always copy it many times $(m\oplus k,m\oplus k,m\oplus k,m\oplus k,\dots)$. The insecure classical many time pad means sending different messages encrypted under the same key $(c_1= m_1\oplus k,c_2 = m_2\oplus k)$ because I can derive the relation $c_1\oplus c_2 = m_1 \oplus m_2$ that leaks information.
In the quantum OTP: Say the key is composed of two n-bit strings $(a,b)$, then to encrypt the message $\psi$ to the ciphertext $\phi$, $$\lvert\phi\rangle = \bigotimes_{i=0}^{n-1} X^{a_i} Z^{b_i} \lvert\psi\rangle.$$
However, in the quantum world the receiver cannot copy the encrypted state I sent (no-cloning principle). But, I can prepare the same state multiple times and encrypt the same state with the same key, and provide these copies to the adversary (since they cannot copy them locally).
Is the quantum OTP still secure if I give an adversary many copies of the ciphertext-quantum-state of the same message with the same key?