The developers claim that a 6 letter long password hashed with 3.8 seconds of scrypt would cost $900 to brute-force.
Very important: This is the cost of finding the password within a year by building an ASIC in 2002.
Not so important: There seems to be only one person behind scrypt: Colin Percival.
If we use more cycles, how quickly will the brute force cost increase?
The most expensive part (this is the whole point of scrypt) of an ASIC would be the memory. Doubling the cycles means that you use twice as much memory for twice as much time, i.e., doubling the cycles makes a brute-force attack roughly 4 times as expensive.
What are the minimum system requirements to compute such a huge KDF on a desktop or mobile?
The parameters used in the example taking 3.8 seconds are $(N,r)=(2^{20},8)$. Theorem 2 of the scrypt paper says you need $128Nr$ bytes of memory, so the computer has to have at least 1 GiB of RAM.
Please consider that bad passwords can be very long.
Length is irrelevant. The cost of brute-forcing a password is determined by $(N,r)$ and the password's entropy.