how can we prove that if there is a secure PRG then P!=NP or in reverse order?(is there any reduction?)
a secure PRG is a pseudo random generator that for every eficient (running in probabilistic polynomial time) statistical test algorithm A , A cannot distinguish PRG from a truly random generator with a non-neglogible advantage.
"Negligible" means "within $O(2^{-p})$" where p is a security parameter associated with the algorithm.
I know that we must use a reduction. reducing P!=NP to existance of PRG or reverse.but how to reduce?
suppose we have a secure PRG , then for every "eff" adversary A , A cannot distinguish PRG from a truly random function with a non-negligible advantage. so it implies that there is no polynomial time algorithm to solve it without having the key. and it shows that P!=NP.
Is my reduction correct?