Actually, the Merkle–Damgård construction also specifies a padding bit after the message. The length is there the ensure that a padded message cannot be the suffix of a different longer message. A collision at the prefix leads to a collision in both messages.
With a padding bit, a singe byte message 0x30 vs a 2 byte message 0x30 0x00 are padded to 0x30 0x80 and 0x30 0x00 0x80, ensuring the compression function input is not the same for that block, even without the message length at the end of the padding.
The sponge construction does not require the same message suffix protection because of the way it mixes the input into the state. The size of the state as well as how much data is mixed/squeezed (block size) determine the chance of both a state collision as well as an output collision.
Example collision over multiple blocks
Here we have a toy hash function with a 48-bit block size and 48-bit internal state size. It has no length padding, but does use a single bit padding after the message. The hash is not secure, and suffers from a collision between "THIS IS NOT " and "ENACT ", which are unpadded 2 block and 1 block inputs to the compression function:
Message 1 "THIS IS NOT A TEST!", length 19 bytes (152 bits):
initial value Block 1 "THIS I" Block 2 "S NOT "
0x67452301AB89 0x544849532049 0x53204E4F5420
** state collision here **
Block 3 "A TEST" Block 4 "!" and padding bit
0x412054455354 0x218000000000
Hash Output
Message 2 "ENACT A TEST!", length 13 bytes (104 bits):
initial value Block 1 "ENACT "
0x67452301AB89 0x544849532049
** state collision here **
Block 2 "A TEST" Block 3 "!" and padding bit
0x412054455354 0x218000000000
Hash Output
Because the last 2 input blocks are the same and (since the padding is the same), the state collision at the unpadded prefixes causes a collision in the outputs.
We modify the hash function to add the length; we save the final 2 bytes of space for the length, for a 65535 bit message length limit:
Message 1 "THIS IS NOT A TEST", length 19 bytes (152 bits):
initial value Block 1 "THIS I" Block 2 "S NOT "
0x67452301AB89 0x544849532049 0x53204E4F5420
** state collision here **
Block 3 "A TEST" Block 4 "!" and padding bit and length
0x412054455354 0x218000000098
Hash Output
Message 2 "ENACT A TEST", length 13 bytes (104 bits):
initial value Block 1 "ENACT "
0x67452301AB89 0x544849532049
** state collision here **
Block 2 "A TEST" Block 3 "!" and padding bit and length
0x412054455354 0x218000000068
Hash Output
Once the length is added to the padding, it prevents this from happening in the output, even though there is a state collision. As above, the padding bit 1 prevents near identical messages with different lengths of trailing 0 bits from being processed the same way in the compression function, which will cause a collision at the block level.
Keccak uses a much larger state and block size, say 1600-bits and 1088-bits (for a 256-bit hash). The chance of an internal state collision is much less than the security provided by the hash size, so a length is not required. Not having a length padding also simplifies implementations, since you do not need to keep track of the data you are processing. The padding bit 1 is still required for the same reason as an MD hash. The final padding bit (in 10*1) is required to prevent identical messages from causing a collision when the sponge rate is different, this would not be required if the rate was fixed.
For most MD hashes, the state and output are the same, with a larger block size, this means the chance of a state collision is most likely higher than the specified security level of the hash, hence the strengthening by adding the length.