After the introduction of McBits, I was interested what security notions are neccessary for IND-CCA2 security of integrated encryption schemes (IES, following the key encapsulation mechanism / data encapsulation mechanism KEM/DEM approach). Now I've recently answered a different question and stated that the DEM and the KEM both need to be CCA secure in order for the whole scheme to be CCA secure.
As a consequence of this I asked myself how to generically construct an IND-CCA2 public key encryption scheme. My question now is:
Is the below ("simple") KEM/DEM public key encryption scheme IND-CCA2 under the assumption that $KDF(x)$ behaves like a random oracle and that $f_K(m):\mathcal K\times \mathcal M \rightarrow \mathcal C$ is an invertible one-way trapdoor function?
The scheme (formalized as per "Introduction to modern Cryptgraphy", second edition, by Katz and Lindell):
The KEM:
$Gen:$ the same as for $f_K(m)$
$Encaps:$ choose a random $k\in \mathcal M$, apply $c\gets f_K(k)$, convert both to a (suitable) binary representation and output $(c,KDF(k))$ with KDF being a secure arbitrary length hash function
$Decaps:$ convert $c$ from a binary string to an element of $\mathcal C$, apply $k\gets f^{-1}_K(c)$ and output $KDF(k)$ or $\bot$ in case $k=\bot$ which is always the case whenever $c \notin \text{Range}(f_K)$ holds.
The encryption scheme is then constructed as in construction 11.10, meaning the returned $c$ is prepended to the ciphertext, the $KDF(k)$ is used to key an authenticated encryption with associated data (AEAD) scheme which does the bulk encryption. To prevent unclearities while parsing the inputs and outputs a special encoding (pairing functions) must be used, any additional data introduced here will be fed into the AEAD scheme, see this comment (by Ricky Demer) for the details. Decryption is then obviously applying Decaps to the prepended $c$ and decrypting and verifying using the AEAD scheme, decryption fails (and thereby returns $\bot$) if either $Decaps$ or the AEAD scheme return $\bot$.
if length(y) < length(x) then 1 || prefixfree(y) || x else 0 || prefixfree(x) || y
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